District 6 Transportation Planning

Vision & Mission

District 6 Planning and Local Assistance's vision is to be valued for its expertise in providing sound and innovative services and products that enhance the total transportation network.

Our mission is to provide transportation planning which offers a balanced, efficient, cost effective and integrated multimodal transportation system which not only ensures access and connectivity within the county, region and state, but one which also reflects partnerships and participation of our local communities, stakeholders, transportation agencies and local jurisdictions through clear and effective communication.


Michael Navarro
Deputy District Director
Planning, Local Programs, and Environmental Analysis
Phone: (559) 840-7954

Alec Kimmel
Senior Transportation Planner
(559) 696-5698
System Planning 

David Padilla
Senior Transportation Planner
(559) 905-9371
Transportation Planning (North)

Lorena Mendibles
Senior Transportation Planner
(559) 840-6066
Transportation Planning (South)

Eric Olson
Senior Transportation Engineer
(559) 246-7342
Technical Planning

James Perrault
Senior Transportation Engineer
(559) 289-9587
Local Assistance

Pedram Mafi
Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisor)
(559) 981-7400
Environmental Analysis

Local Projects / Documents

Local Metropolitan Planning Organizations