District 6 System Planning

System Planning Unit is responsible for Caltrans’ long-range planning for interregional transportation and statewide travel analysis. Both multi- jurisdictional and multi-modal, the planning process includes evaluating and recommending for programming improvements to the State transportation system. The process involves these interrelated planning documents:

Transportation Concept Report (TCR)

For each State highway, the TCR is a document that does the following: identifies current and projected operating conditions on the facility, establishes a 20-year planning concept, identifies facility deficiencies in relation to the concept, and identifies broad and flexible options to achieve the 20-year concept.

Corridor System Management Plan (CSMP)

CSMPs provide for the integrated management of travel modes and roadways so as to facilitate the efficient and effective mobility of people and goods within our most congested transportation corridors. Each CSMP presents an analysis of existing and future traffic conditions and proposes traffic management strategies and capital improvements to maintain and enhance mobility within each corridor.

District System Management Plan (DSMP)

The DSMP is a strategic and policy planning document detailing how the District envisions the transportation system will be maintained, managed and developed during the next 20 years.


Alec Kimmel
Branch Chief
Senior Transportation Planner
Phone: (559) 696-5698