District 4 Office of Local Assistance

Local Assistance provides assistance to local and regional agencies in securing federal and state financing for transportation projects, developing projects, obtaining environmental and right-of-way clearances, reviewing plans, specifications and estimates, and monitoring construction of Federal-aid and State-aid local agency administrated engineering projects within the District. Oversees development of local agency projects to ensure adherence to all current State and Federal guidelines and regulations.

Division of Local Assistance (DLA) website provides statewide guidelines and procedures information, as well as project monitoring and status reports such as Cooperative Work Agreement (CWA), Inactive Projects, PE Over 10 Years, Project End Dates and E76/Invoice/PSA Status.

This page provides contact information for District 4 Office of Local Assistance.


Ephrem Meharena  Office Chief, DLAE (510) 960-0806
 Jimmy Panmai  Branch Chief (SM/SF/CC), DBE/EEO Coordinator  (510) 507-9943
 Marco Militante

 San Mateo

 (510) 421-6389
 Alan Wong  Contra Costa, MTC  (510) 410-0108
 David Pneh  Contra Costa, PPM, XCH, FTA  (510) 407-4760
 Ruben Izon  San Francisco, DBE Support  (341) 766-2527
 Michael Hufana  Invoice/Local Assistance Program Support  (510) 849-7984
 Bahadur Singh  Branch Chief (ALA/SCL), ER Coordinator  (510) 496-9543
 Iris Chi  Santa Clara    (510) 960-0803
 Val Chauhan  Alameda    (510) 542-0278
 Kevin Tran  Alameda, Santa Clara    (510) 926-0602
 Kristoffer Flores  Alameda, Santa Clara  (510) 853-4077
 Lisa Wolfl  Invoice/Local Assistance Program Support  (510) 421-6265
 Calvin Tan  Reports/Local Assistance Program Support  (510) 847-9789
 Herman Sealey  Branch Chief (MRN/NAP/SOL/SON),  HBP Coordinator  (510) 926-0556
 Robert Le  Marin  (510) 960-0938
 Moon Rana  Solano  (510) 421-8017
 Ken Nguyen  Sonoma (county only)  (510) 960-0934
 VACANT  Napa, Sonoma (agencies within county), SMART, San Anselmo  (510) 496-9643
 VACANT  Invoice/Local Assistance Program Support  
 Tom Holstein  Branch Chief, Environmental   (510) 960-0794
 Dan Rivas  Napa, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Alameda  (510) 496-9416
 Thomas Premo  Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano  (510) 496-9273
 Hugo Ahumada  Marin, San Mateo, Sonoma  (510) 506-9362
 Keevan Harding  Biologist  (510) 421-4327
 Kelli Alahan  Archaeologist  (510) 421-6224
 VACANT  Environmental/Local Assistance Program Support  
 Xi Zhang  ATP&HSIP Coordinator, IT Support, SCL (County)  (510) 960-0785
 Louis Schuman  SB-1, STIP, and Discretionary Program Coordinator, GGBHTD/BART  (510) 960-0820
 Haiyan Zhang  Environmental Manager (HQ), NEPA Assignment  (510) 286-5235
 Girmay Beyene  Construction Oversight Engineer (HQ)  (916) 275-4587
 Patrick Dussell  Construction Oversight Engineer (HQ)  (916) 202-9216
 Linda Phoen  Clean California Local Grant Coordinator  (408) 595-4007