Placer County I-80 Auxiliary Lane and 5th Lane Project
In Placer County, in Roseville and Rocklin, construct eastbound I-80 auxiliary lane between SR 65 and Rocklin Road including a two-lane off-ramp to Rocklin Road, and construct the 5th lane on westbound I-80 east of Douglas Boulevard to the west of Riverside Avenue including reconfiguring the Douglas Boulevard off-ramp from 2-lanes to 1-lane.
The purpose of this project is to improve safety and improve traffic flow on I-80 eastbound (Route 65 through Rocklin Road) and westbound (Douglas Boulevard to Riverside Avenue).
The project is needed because the freeway is experiencing operational problems caused by high peak-period traffic volumes. Vehicle hours of delay, average speeds, travel times, and other traffic performance measures will continue to degrade. I-80 is a primary transcontinental freeway that primarily serves as a transportation corridor for both passengers and goods throughout the United States. Additionally, the increase in daily commuter traffic and traffic to major commercial and educational centers in the area and the increased demand generated from recreational facilities in the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east and the San Francisco Bay Area to the west have resulted in reduced levels of service on 1-80. This segment of I-80 serves the national movement of goods and passengers, as well as the City of Roseville, City of Rocklin, and Placer County, and is heavily used throughout the day.
Total project cost $46.1 million
Begin Construction July 2023 |
End Construction March 2025 |
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08.15.2024 Douglas Boulevard Off-Ramp Closure Scheduled on Interstate 80
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08.10.2023 Caltrans Begins Work on Interstate 80 Auxiliary Lane and Fifth Lane
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Jeremy Linder, Public Information Officer, (530) 701-5209;