Business Resources

Small Business Outreach

The District 11 Small Business Outreach Program assists Small Businesses, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises that are interested in selling goods or services to Caltrans in San Diego and Imperial counties.


The District 11 Calmentor mentor-protégé program encourages and supports small architectural and engineering businesses through voluntary partnerships with mid-size and larger firms in San Diego.

Contract Awards and Services

Contractors bidding on major construction projects may visit Contract Awards and Services or information regarding advertised and awarded construction contracts over $314,000.

Encroachment Permits

The San Diego Encroachment Permits Office* is located at the Caltrans District Office in Old Town San Diego at 4050 Taylor Street in Building One on the first floor. Use the main entrance and check in with Security.

To reach the San Diego Permits office by phone, call (619) 688-2517.

Encroachment Permit Manual, Applications, Forms and General Information

The use of highways for other than normal transportation purposes may require written authorization from the Department of Transportation. Requests for ingress into the right of way requires the completion of an application to encroach. The Encroachment Permits Branch is responsible for overseeing statewide policy and procedure of encroachment permit activities within the state highway system. These activities are non-vehicular in nature. Some of these activities are highway improvement construction utility work, commercial filming, and special events such as parades. 

The Encroachment Permits Branch has the primary task of managing and completing permit application reviews and issuing permits. Encroachment permits reviewed by this branch range in value from $0 to $1,000,000 in construction costs.

Typical Permits completed by this branch include traffic control, intersection improvements, signals, driveways, under ground utilities, and special events. The permit applications are completed after being routed through designated sections for review and comment.

*Please note that Transportation Permits (Oversize Load and Trucking Permits) are all handled in Sacramento. Call (916) 322-1297.

Local Assistance

The Local Assistance Program provides assistance to local and regional agencies to improve their transportation infrastructure and provide transportation services. Information about this program is available online at Caltrans Division of Local Assistance - Sacramento Headquarters.

District 11 Local Assistance Engineer

Bing Luu
4050 Taylor Street
San Diego, CA 92110 
Phone: (619) 220-5311
Email Address:

Damage Claims

The Caltrans Claims Program resolves claims filed against the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for $10,000 or less.

Government Code Section 935.7 authorizes Caltrans to adjust and pay claims not exceeding $10,000 without prior presentation and approval of the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board. Please see: claims for less than $10,000.

If your claim is more than $10,000, you must file with the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board. Please see claims for more than $10,000.