Active Transportation Program
Welcome to the District 1 Active Transportation page! District 1 covers Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino and Lake Counties. This page includes information on the following:
- Caltrans Active Transportation (CAT) Plan for District 1
- Active Transportation Projects
- Complete Streets Performance Measures
- Resources for Travelers
- District 1 Pedestrian and Bicyclist Advisory Committee (PBAC)
- Ways to Connect and Get Involved
The Caltrans Active Transportation (CAT) Plan is part of a comprehensive effort to identify locations with bicycle and pedestrian needs in each Caltrans district across California, implementing Strategy M1. 1 of Toward an Active California. Caltrans staff use the Plan to address active transportation needs along and across the State Highway System (SHS) in construction or maintenance projects. Data and analysis developed in the Plan are used in asset management, as a basis for setting complete streets targets, and as a starting point during project development.
The CAT Plan was developed in close coordination with partners from local and regional agencies, community organizations and advocacy groups.
Below is a list of current and future active transportation projects in District 1.
For additional materials on these projects and others, as well as links to request updates on individual projects, please visit the District 1 Current Projects page.
For questions on these projects, or for general District 1 Active Transportation information, please contact Joben Penuliar, District 1 Active Transportation Portfolio Support.
Current Projects
Humboldt County:
Project ID 0K940 – South Broadway Complete Streets (Route 101 in Eureka, Post Mile 73.3/76.1)
This project is proposed along U.S. 101/South Broadway in Eureka to increase comfort and safety for non-motorized users and to provide better connectivity between neighborhoods and the Waterfront Trail.
The project includes:
- Class IV separated bikeways on Broadway from the Papa & Barkley Co. signalized intersection to the Bayshore Mall entrance intersection. Class IV separated bikeways have vertical barrier such as curbs or posts between the bicyclists and vehicles. Caltrans is seeking input from the City of Eureka and community members.
- New pedestrian and bicycle crossings at Hilfiker Lane.
- Sidewalk and curb ramp improvements where needed.
- New bus stops.
- Pedestrian and bicycle improvements at existing signalized intersections.
- Mountable median landscaping and some roadside plantings as traffic calming measures.
Construction is scheduled to begin in 2025.
Visit the project webpage for more details.
Mendocino County:
Project ID 0L020 – Covelo Complete Streets (Route 162 in Covelo, Post Mile 29.1/30.6)
This project is a Clean California project to enhance downtown Covelo along Highway 162, the main street through the community. The upgrades will improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, and add a pleasant downtown feel to the area. The upgrades will add value and a sense of community representation and decrease graffiti and litter. Caltrans partnered with the Round Valley Tribes, residents and businesses, and the Mendocino Council of Governments to create improvements that serve the needs of the community.
The project includes:
- Enhancements, such as planters and tree-lined streets
- Decorative lighting
- Tribal art
Construction was completed in 2023.
View the project fact sheet for more details.
Future Projects
Del Norte County:
Project ID 0N320 – Smith River Complete Streets (Route 101 near Smith River, Post Mile 42.5-46.4)
This project will improve bicycle and pedestrian mobility along and across the highway between Lopez Street and North Indian Road. Potential improvements are identified in the Tolowa Dee-Ni’ Nation’s Connected Communities Plan.
The Project Initiation Document is in progress.
Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2031.
Humboldt County:
Project ID 0H830 - Koster Couplet (Route 101 in Eureka, Post Mile 77.2-78.1)
This project will improve multi-modal operations and address safety and connectivity deficiencies by diverting southbound traffic onto local streets.
This project is currently unfunded.
Project ID 0L090 - Broadway Middle Couplet (Route 101 in Eureka, Post Mile 75.97-77.22)
This project will address safety and operational concerns for both motorized and non-motorized users. There are two alternatives. Alternative 1 investigates creating a couplet where southbound 101 traffic will be diverted onto a new alignment. Alternative 2 proposes “near term” improvements within the existing facility.
This project is currently unfunded.
Project ID 0M280 – Annie and Mary Trail, Phase 2 (Route 299, Post Mile 86.9/88.2)
This project will construct a Class I shared use path along SR 299 between Blue Lake and Glendale. The Project Initiation Document is in progress.
This project is currently unfunded.
Project ID 0N120 – Orleans Pedestrian and Bicyclist Connectivity (Route 96, Post Mile 36.9/39.6)
This project will construct a Class I shared use path and crosswalk improvements along SR 96 between Camp Creek Road and E Perch Creek Road in Orleans.
The Project Initiation Document is in progress.
This project is currently unfunded.
Project ID 0N300 – Herrick Mobility Hub (Route 101, Post Mile 74.8/74.8)
This project will install a mobility hub at the Herrick Avenue Park and Ride to increase facilities for multimodal transportation.
The PID is scheduled to begin in 2024.
Construction is scheduled to begin in 2030.
Lake County:
Project ID 0N340 - Northshore Complete Streets (Route 20, Post Mile 12/24)
This project will improve conditions for walking and bicycling in Glenhaven and Nice. Potential improvements are identified in the Lake Area Planning Council’s plans — SR 20 Northshore Communities Traffic Calming Plan and Engineered Feasibility Study, Lake County Pedestrian Facility Needs Study, Lake Transit Authority Bus Passenger Facility Plan, and the 2022 Lake County Regional Transportation Plan/Active Transportation Plan.
The Project Initiation Document is in progress.
Construction is scheduled to begin in 2031.
Mendocino County:
Project ID 0C670 – Pacific Coast Bike Route Improvements (Route 1, Post Mile 62.2/70.4)
This project will construct a Class I shared use path along SR 1, improve highway crossings, and increase access to the Haul Road.
The Supplemental Project Initiation Document is in progress.
This project is currently unfunded.
Little River Trail 0J280
This project will construct a Class I shared use path along the US 101 corridor between Clam Beach Drive and Scenic Drive.
Project Approval/Environmental Document is complete.
The rest of this project is currently unfunded.
Project ID 0L300 - Talmage Complete Streets (Route 222 near Ukiah, Post Mile 0.412/2.153)
This project will add new walking and bicycling facilities and crossings.
The Project Initiation Document is in progress.
Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2031.
How did we select these projects?
For more information on project funding and the project lifecycle, please visit:
The Complete Streets Branch manages the portfolio of Complete Streets elements through a process called Asset Management. The process begins via the State Highway System Management Plan (SHSMP), which articulates performance targets established by federal and state legislation and action by the California Transportation Commission. Projects are identified and added to the Ten-Year Plan to begin planning and development, with a timeline to construction. Through this process, assets are assigned Complete Streets performance targets for each district in California. Once Complete Streets elements are identified for each project, they are counted toward the goals outlined in the Plan. The below numbers are targets from the current Ten-Year Plan for District 1.
- Class I Bike Paths – 23,207 linear feet
- Class II Bike Lanes – 26,030 linear feet
- Class II Buffered Bike Lanes – 29,773 linear feet
- Class IV Separated Bikeways – 45,365 linear feet
- Crosswalks – 9,491 linear feet
- Rectangle Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) – 10 units
- Sidewalks – 40,469 linear feet
Please visit the resources below for more information on projects or Complete Streets elements.
Check back for more updates! This section will be updated annually.
Last updated January 2024.
Please click on the below links for up-to-date information on active areas of construction.
Request a Printed Version of the Caltrans District 1 Bicycle Touring Guide
Bicyclists are allowed on all State Highway segments in District 1. The Caltrans District 1 Bicycle Touring Guide includes bicycle maps and elevations, safety information, bicycling laws and other local information.
Please contactLisa Buglewicz (707) 684-6883 District 1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator to request a hardcopy. Please include the mailing address where you wish to receive the Guide.
The primary mission of the Caltrans District 1 Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (PBAC) is to help ensure that Caltrans District 1 planning, design, capital projects, maintenance, and operations activities meet the needs of pedestrian and bicycle users of the state highway system within the District.
Committee meetings are held on at least a quarterly basis via web conference software.
Recent PBAC Meeting Topics
October 2024: The Committee discussed ways to be more engaged in Caltrans plans and projects.
June 2024: The committee discussed guidance for the installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) and pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHBs).
March 2024: The Committee heard from District 1 Traffic Safety and learned about Caltrans Director’s Policy (DP) 36 and Vision Zero and Safe Systems Approach.
December 2023: The Committee heard from District 1 Local Assistance and learned the function of the unit and how it interacts with local agencies. State-Sponsored PIDs were discussed. Suggestions are due to Alexis by January 7 to ensure there is enough time to prepare submissions, which are due to Caltrans Headquarters at the end of February.
September 2023: The Committee heard from District 1 System Planning regarding a proposed development near SR 255 in Humboldt County. The process for evaluating transportation impacts under CEQA was discussed.
June 2023: The Committee learned how the Complete Streets program fits into project nomination, was provided general information about grant opportunities available to Caltrans and what is being pursued, and received an overview of the Caltrans System Investment Strategy (CSIS).
March 2023: The Committee learned about SHOPP and non-SHOPP project nomination and PBAC input opportunities, brainstormed ways to increase membership/equitable representation and diversity, and heard an update on key Complete Streets projects in District 1.
December 2022: The Committee heard about Clean California opportunities and discussed the timelines of Caltrans projects.
Upcoming Quarterly Meetings
March 2025: TBD
June 2025: TBD
September 2025: TBD
December 2025: TBD
Current PBAC Members
- Danny Wind (Chair), Community Member
- Lucy Bartholomew (Vice Chair), Blue Zones Project Mendocino County
- Thomas Aceves, Western Region Town Hall
- Julie Bawcom, community member
- Colin Fiske, Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities
- Gordon Leppig, community member
- Peggy Martinez, Creative Inclusion LLC
- Hank Seeman, Humboldt County Public Works Department
- Oona Smith, Humboldt County Association of Governments
- John Speka, Lake Area Planning Council
For more information or if you are interested in joining the PBAC, please contact Joben Penuliar, (707) 601-1416.
Applicants must reside or work for a public agency in one of the four counties within the District: Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino and Lake.
There are many ways to be involved in active transportation!
Maintenance request
A maintenance request can be made using the Customer Service Request portal or by calling (707) 441-5655. Reports are forwarded to the nearest maintenance facility for evaluation.
Please note: This form should NOT be used to report an emergency. Call 911 immediately for emergencies.
ADA concern/request
You can file an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) concern online, by mail or by phone.
Mail: California Department of Transportation
Attn: ADA Infrastructure Program
P.O. BOX 942874, MS 48
Sacramento, CA 94274-0001
(866) 810-6346, TTY 711
Street Story
Street story is an online platform that allows you to provide direct feedback on topics such as areas where you have had a collision or near-miss, areas you feel need attention due to safety concerns, and areas you enjoy traveling through. It is free and easy to use, and it only takes a couple of minutes to make a report.
While Street Story is not a substitute for reporting collisions to law enforcement, submissions are used to help advocate for safety improvements for people walking and biking on the streets. Caltrans District 1 reviews Street Story reports when initiating projects.
Visit Street Story
Street Story was developed by UC Berkeley’s Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC).
A section of U.S. 101 on South Broadway in Eureka (Humboldt County)