Transportation Funding in California

The Transportation Economics Branch publishes an overview of transportation funding in California periodically. This publication 1) provides an overview of the transportation system, 2) describes stakeholder roles and responsibilities, 3) explains funding sources and initiatives, 4) highlights emerging transportation topics, and 5) defines the programming of revenues for specific purposes. Moreover, there are 36 charts and tables included for visual aid purposes. Below is a more detailed content summary of this document.

An Overview of the Transportation System: a description of various travel modes and users of the system. Details are provided regarding the highway system and local streets and roads such as lane-miles and annual vehicle miles of travel.

The Transportation System’s Decision Makers: an overview of each government entity’s responsibility is provided at the federal, state, regional, and local levels. In addition, a discussion about a tribal government’s role in transportation is included.

Transportation Funding Sources: an outline of various funding sources that are generated at the federal, state, regional, and local levels. This section specifically provides a breakdown of motor fuel excise tax rates, diesel sales tax, truck weight fees, Prop 1B, SB 1, motor vehicle license fees, and other transportation revenue sources.

Emerging Transportation Topics: a highlight of emerging topics that is updated annually. In the past, staff has highlighted the amount of oil tanker trucks needed to fund a lane-mile of highway construction, or the estimated transportation revenue shortfall. The 2019 version highlights research regarding the cost difference between sharing an autonomous vehicle versus a traditional combustible engine vehicle.

Federal and State Transportation Programming: a summary of how funding is allocated to various programs and accounts at the federal and state level.

Transportation Funding Charts and Tables: an illustrative breakdown to further explain various revenue sources, programs, and accounts such as excise taxes, SB 1 program allocation, cap-and-trade, and other transportation programs and expenditures.

Please click on the link below to download the most recent publication:

2024 Transportation Funding in California (PDF)

2023 Transportation Funding in California (PDF)

2022 Transportation Funding in California (PDF)

2021 Transportation Funding in California (PDF)

2020 Transportation Funding in California (PDF)

*The 2019 Transportation Funding in California has been published, however, it cannot be posted online at this time due to ADA compliance requirements. Please submit a request to for an electronic copy and staff will forward you a copy of it as soon as possible.