Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When is my allocation request due to the DLAE?

    1. An allocation request is typically required eight weeks before the California Transportation Commission (CTC) meeting. Refer to the “Preparation Schedule” located on the Office of CTC Liaison’s website for specific due dates.
    2. An allocation request must be submitted in the fiscal year in which it is programmed and must appear on a CTC agenda no later than the June CTC meeting.
  2. How do I submit an allocation request?

    1. The most up to date Funding Allocation Request Form is accessible on the Division of Local Assistance website under Local Assistance Program Guidelines Forms> Chapter 22 and 23.
  3. Why can’t I see the allocation request form when I click on the link?

    1. You might be using an outdated or non-compatible web browser. Try opening a different web browser (i.e. the newer version of Internet Explorer or Google Chrome).
  4. Can an agency use the allocation form to request funding for multiple programs on one project?

    1. No. The allocation form is used to request funding for one program only. Please submit an allocation request form for each program.
  5. Where do I find my PPNO or Advantage Project ID? 

    1. If you are missing any of your project information, most can be found on your programming document, MPO or by simply sending the question to your District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE).
  6. Can an Agency submit their allocation request to the DLAE electronically?

    1. Yes, use the contact list to locate your DLAE.  
  7. Do projects with federal funds require an allocation request?

    1. Only if the project is adopted in a CTC program.
  8. Do I need to submit an E-76 (Federal Authorization) with my allocation request?

    1. No, an E-76 comes after allocation for federally funded projects. It is recommended to submit the E-76 along with the allocation request when possible.  This small step allows for faster E-76 approvals.
    2. For further questions, see the July 7, 2016
  9. Do I need to obtain Division of State Architect (DSA) review/approval of project plans before submitting an allocation request?

    1. No, the DSA review is independent of the allocation submittal process. For additional information, refer to COIN 19-02, Plans, Specifications, and Estimate Division of Architect Review.
  10. Is an environmental clearance required for an allocation?

    1. Yes, for PS&E, RW, and CON phases.  PA&ED does not require environmental clearance since obtaining environmental clearance is the main purpose of this phase.  
  11. When should I have the Right of Way Certification?

    1. Right of Way Certification is needed with submittal of a construction allocation request.
  12. Does the Right of Way Certification need to be approved by Caltrans?

    1. Caltrans approval is needed for Right of Way Certification with projects that are federalized. State-only funded projects only require the local agency’s self-certification.
  13. Can I submit an allocation request for PS&E and Right of Way (RW) at the same CTC meeting?

    1. Yes, PS&E and RW can be combined in one allocation request as long as the environmental certification (CEQA and/or NEPA) has been completed.
  14. Do I need to submit an allocation request for my Non-Infrastructure (NI) project?

    1. Yes, an allocation is required. You must fulfill all requirements for your program prior to requesting an allocation. (i.e. Plan Approval, Environmental).
  15. Does an allocation request require a Board or Council Resolution?

    1. No, this is not a CTC or Caltrans requirement. Please follow your agency’s process.
  16. Can I submit a scope change and allocation request at the same CTC meeting?

    1. Yes, these requests can be made concurrently. However, an allocation cannot move forward without an approved scope change. See the CTC Program guidelines for further information.
  17. If I receive a Time Extension for an allocation that expires on December 31, can I go to the January CTC meeting in the next calendar year for allocation?

    1. Yes, however, the allocation request needs to be submitted by the due date and in time to meet the preparation schedule for the January CTC meeting.
  18. What is an E-Resolution Number and how do I get one?  

    1. An E-Resolution Number is an identifier assigned when the CTC takes action on an environmental document for a project to be considered for future consideration of funding. Instructions for bringing an environmental document forward to the CTC can be found on their Environmental page, including completion of the transmittal notice.
  19. Can an Agency submit their E-Resolution number request concurrently with their allocation request?

    1. Yes, it can be done concurrently. But it is recommended that an agency first clear their environmental document, because an allocation cannot be approved without environmental clearance.
  20. Can I advertise for construction prior to the approval of my allocation by the California Transportation Commission?

    1. For state only funded projects, yes, but you cannot open bids or award.
    2. For federal projects, no, you cannot advertise.  
    3. It is recommended you contact your DLAE for further information.
  21. Can the California Transportation Commission defer action on my allocation request?

    1. Yes.
  22. When do I find out the results of my allocation request?

    1. It is possible to watch CTC meetings to see if your items are approved. To watch a live meeting, locate “View Live Webcast” located on the CTC’s website.  In addition, this link also provides the archived videos of past CTC meetings.
    2. The Division of Local Assistance sends a courtesy notification letter after the CTC approves the allocation. 
  23. Does approval from the CTC mean that I can immediately move forward with the next steps of the project?

    1. Yes. The Notification of Allocation letter provided to Local Agencies is strictly a courtesy letter only.
  24. Does my agency need to send a representative to the CTC meeting when my allocation is scheduled for action? If so, who should that representative be – the project manager, the project engineer, an elected official?

    1. We encourage having a representative attend the CTC meeting when any action for your project is on the agenda.
    2. It is recommended to have a representative attend the CTC meeting who is familiar with and can speak on the project.  
  25. How can I confirm my allocation request is scheduled for CTC action?

    1. The CTC posts a Commission meeting Agenda on their website 10 days prior to each CTC meeting. 
    2. Or, you may contact your DLAE to confirm.