Project Planning and Design Guide

The Project Planning and Design Guide (PPDG) provides guidance on the process and procedures for evaluating project scope and site conditions to determine the need for and feasibility of incorporating Best Management Practices (BMPs) into projects within Caltrans right-of-way. It provides design guidance for incorporating those stormwater quality controls into projects during the planning and project development process.

The PPDG supersedes prior stormwater design guidance manuals and has been prepared in support of the Statewide Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP). The document addresses key regulatory, policy and technical requirements by providing direction on the procedures to incorporate stormwater BMPs into the design of all Caltrans projects. In addition to the direction provided in the PPDG, the user is expected to apply their own engineering knowledge and judgement when evaluating and designing stormwater BMPs.

Click Below to View Project Planning and Design Guide

All PPDG Chapters - Complete Download Version 

2023 PPDG Attachments

TMT Spreadsheet