Scenic Highways

Grant Opportunity

The National Scenic Byways Program (NSBP) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) 2024 Grants

Eligible Applicants: States and Indian Tribes

Eligible applicants for NSBP discretionary grants are (1) States and (2) Indian Tribes. Other entities may partner with a State DOT or Tribal government to submit an application, but the eligible applicant (i.e., recipient) must be a State DOT or Indian Tribe.

  • Local governments must coordinate with Caltrans Scenic Highway Program to meet NSBP applicant eligibility requirements. Local governments interested in working with Caltrans on submitting a grant proposal must submit a letter of intent to Lara Justine by October 17, 2024.
  • Tribal governments may apply directly to FHWA (for more information see the webinar and NOFO info below).
  • Eligible Applicants may propose projects on officially designated State Scenic Highways, Tribal Scenic Byways, or federal Byways that are part of the National Scenic Byways Program (see NOFO for more information).

Application and More information:

Application: NSBP 2024 Grants NOFO

More info: NSBP program (includes webinar opportunity)

Caltrans Contact: Lara Justine at

Letter of Intent Extended Deadline: October 17, 2024 (Caltrans cannot accept Letters of Intent or application proposals after this date)

FHWA Application Deadline: December 16, 2024

California State Scenic Highways

Gaviota Coast State Scenic Highway

The above photo shows the Gaviota Coast State Scenic Highway, in the County of Santa Barbara.  This officially designated segment of Highway 101 travels through one of the longest remaining rural coastlines in southern California, along 21 miles from the City of Goleta’s western boundary, to Route 1 at Las Cruces. Photo credit: County of Santa Barbara Gaviota Coast Scenic Highway Proposal.


The Department of Transportation (Caltrans) manages the State Scenic Highway Program. Caltrans provides guidance to local government agencies, community organizations and citizens that are pursuing the official designation of a State Scenic Highway.

Scenic Highway Program History

In 1963, the State Legislature established the California Scenic Highway Program through Senate Bill 1467 (Farr). The bill declared:

"The development of scenic highways will not only add to the pleasure of the residents of this State, but will also play an important role in encouraging the growth of the recreation and tourist industries upon which the economy of many areas of this State depend."

Senate Bill 1467 added Sections 260 through 263 to the Streets and Highways Code. In these statutes the State proclaims intent to:

“establish the State's responsibility for the protection and enhancement of California's natural scenic beauty by identifying those portions of the State highway system which, together with adjacent scenic corridors, require special conservation treatment." (Scenic corridors consist of land that is visible from, adjacent to, and outside the highway right-of-way, and is comprised primarily of scenic and natural features. Topography, vegetation, viewing distance, and/or jurisdictional lines determine the corridor boundaries.)

Existing law provides Caltrans with full possession and control of all State highways. This legislation places the Scenic Highway Program under the stewardship of Caltrans.

The legislation further declares the intent of the State to assign responsibility for the regulation of land use and development along scenic highways to the appropriate State and local governmental agencies. A county highway component was later added to the Scenic Highway Program in Section 154 of the Streets and Highways Code.

Scenic Highways Guidelines

  • Provides guidance on the process for officially designating a California State Scenic Highway (PDF is undergoing an update for ADA compatibility)

Example of Scenic Highway Proposal and Corridor Protection Program

State Scenic Highway Map

State Scenic Highway Map

Scenic Highway System Lists

The State Scenic Highway System list is codified in the California Streets and Highways Code (SHC).  The spreadsheet and the GIS map contain postmiles which correspond to the locations listed in the SHC. If any discrepancies are found between postmiles and the text, the SHC text prevails.

  • List of eligible and officially designated State Scenic Highways (XLSX)
  • *Obtaining State recognition as an officially designated County Scenic Highway requires following the same Scenic Highway Program process that applies to State Routes. See the Scenic Highway Guidelines (PDF) *for more information.

    Scenic Resource Evaluation Guidance for Officially Designated State Scenic Highways

    Frequently Asked Questions