Project Development Procedures Manual (PDPM)
pdpm-chapters-a11y The Project Development Procedure Manual (PDPM) provides the framework of policies and procedures for developing State highway improvement projects.
The PDPM consists of three parts as follows:
- Part 1 (Chapters 1 to 7) contains general information.
- Part 2 (Chapters 8 to 15) describes the project development process in a chronological manner.
- Part 3 (Chapters 16 to 32) contains specific project development procedures of specialized nature.
The PDPM's Appendices consist of two sections as follows:
- Appendices "A" through "Z" contain guidelines for various project development reports.
- Appendices "BB" through "QQ" contain project development forms and letters plus policy and procedures documents.
PDPM Manual Changes
When a chapter or appendix is updated, the date in the footer on all pages is changed. If the update is limited, the revisions are denoted by a vertical line on the outside margin. If the update to a chapter or appendix includes changes to policy or if updates are extensive, a Manual Change Transmittal is issued, and the date in the footer will be changed to match the date of the Manual Change Transmittal
View recent PDPM Manual Change Transmittals here.
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Links within the PDPM
Some hyperlinks in the body of the PDPM may become inactive or inaccurate when link locations are changed. Click below for a list of hyperlinks from the body of the PDPM with updated link locations. The list is organized by chapter and appendix.
PDPM Hyperlinks - Updated 03/14/2025 (PDF)
Table of Contents
Combined PDPM Chapters and Appendices
The individual files in the PDPM Table of Contents above are the official accessible version of the PDPM. The combined PDPM chapters and combined PDPM appendices are available for user convenience.
All PDPM Chapters - Complete Download Version (Updated 12/13/2024) (PDF)
All PDPM Appendices - Complete Download Version (Updated 3/14/2025) (PDF)
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