Charge! Visalia yard has gone green


Battery-operated light towers in District 6

District 6's battery-powered light towers can run all night on a single charge.

Photo by Mark Peton

By Mark Peton
District 6 Maintenance

Visalia Maintenance has made some changes in the way we do business, specifically regarding combustion engines. We are going green!

I did the footwork for the San Juaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Commercial Voucher Program and received $7,000 for battery-powered chainsaws and pole saws. Dirk Lopez purchased battery-powered blowers.

We received our new all-electric UTV vehicle, Tuatara.

We also purchased new light towers for emergency response and planned night work. These Milwaukee light towers are battery-powered and will run all night on a single charge and provide 27,000 lumens of light.

The blowers will run for up to 536 minutes and the chainsaws run for 60 continuous minutes.

There are advantages to battery-power tools. If you get called for an emergency at 2 a.m., clearing a down tree for example, there is no noise. No complaints for waking up nearby residents.

Another advantage is no more gasoline concerns. No spills and no fire hazards.