Who's New

Bob Myers, equipment chief 

Bob Myers

Bob Myers

Bob Myers is the new Division of Equipment chief. Bob’s commitment to leadership, innovation, and excellent customer service, along with his ability to build strong partnerships, will complement the Division of Equipment’s core business functions and professionalism.

Myers has worked for the Division of Equipment for the past 20 years. He started at Shop 9 as a field heavy equipment mechanic, where he worked for five years before promoting to Shop 2 as a heavy equipment mechanic lead worker and eventually a highway mechanic supervisor. In 2008, he accepted a permanent position as an assistant highway equipment superintendent at Shop 4 in San Leandro and took advantage of additional out-of-class opportunities at Shop 7 and Shop 8 to continue developing his managerial skills. Myers promoted to the position of highway equipment superintendent III at Shop 4 in 2011. He has been the supervising highway equipment superintendent at the Division of Equipment in Sacramento since 2013.

This year, Myers was on the team that completed a Lean 6-Sigma project to improve the fleet acquisition plan, and his efforts earned him a Green Belt status. 

Myers has left a lasting positive impression throughout his career at each location he has worked.

Maintenance and Operations Deputy Director Steve Takigawa said, “I am confident his positive attitude, knowledge, and excellent fleet asset management skills will benefit the Division of Equipment, our customers, and our business partners.”