State Route 710 Property Sales

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is offering for sale a number of properties owned by Caltrans on the SR-710 Corridor. This website is designed to assist tenants and prospective buyers to better understand which properties are eligible for purchase, when and how the offers of purchase can be made, in what priority a prospective buyer can make an offer and how the process affects the remaining tenants.

For questions regarding 710 Property Sales Information, please contact the District 7 Right of Way Office at (213) 897-8184 or email Please include First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone Number & Issue Detail.

Si tiene preguntas sobre la información de ventas de propiedades (710 Property Sales), por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del Distrito 7, Derecho de Vía (Right of Way Office) al (213) 897-8184 o envíe un correo electrónico a Por favor incluya nombre, apellido, dirección, número de teléfono y detalles del problema.

For questions regarding non-710 Sales Information (Public Auction), please contact the District 7 Right of Way - Excess Land Office at (213) 897-1868 or visit Caltrans Right of Way and Land Surveys program.

Si tiene preguntas sobre nuestras subastas, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del Distrito 7, Derecho de Vía en la División de Terrenos en Exceso (Right of Way - Excess Land Office) al (213) 897-1868 o visite Caltrans Right of Way and Land Surveys program.

This application is being updated for digital accessibility and will continue to function while updates are in progress.

Proposed Rule Making Action

Notice of Modification to Text_15 Day_20241204.pdf

Modified Text_15 Day Notice_20241204.pdf

AB1038 City of Pasadena - Priority 3 Unoccupied Surplus Residential Properties_20241204.pdf

AB1038 City of South Pasadena - Priority 3 Unoccupied Surplus Residential Properties_20241204.pdf


Modifications to Text of Proposed Regulations (07-25-24).pdf 

Regulatory Actions

The regulations are available through the following link: Browse - California Code of Regulations (

Sales Order of Priority

Caltrans is offering for sale properties owned by Caltrans along the SR-710 Corridor pursuant to the Roberti Act / Statutes GC54235-54238.9. The Statutes dictate the sequential order of priorities in which Caltrans can offer the SR-710 properties. If a property is not purchased in the current priority, it moves onto the next priority. The priorities are further divided by the City that the property is in: El Sereno / Los Angeles, Pasadena, and South Pasadena. Caltrans is offering the SR-710 properties in the following order:

Priority 0: Sales to Former Owners (Current Tenants)

Priority 1: Sales to Lower and Moderate-Income Households (Current Tenants)

Priority 2: Sales to Above Moderate-Income Households (Current Tenants)

Priority 3: Housing-Related Public Entities

Priority 4: SB 580 Properties

Priority 5: Housing-Related Private Entities

Priority 6: Sales to Current Tenants at Fair Market Value

Priority 7: Sales to Former Tenants at Fair Market Value

Priority 8: Public Auction (General Public)

Priority 9: Surplus Nonresidential Properties

710 Sales 08-04-23

The infographic above shows the sale priorities for each City (left to right) from the first priority at the top to the last priority at the bottom. It is color-coded by the sales price that each priority is eligible for. (i.e. If you are a member of the general public, your eligibility to purchase Caltrans-owned SR-710 properties will be if and when the property enters Priority 8 at Public Auction at Fair Market Value.)

If and when a property goes to public auction, it is sold by the Caltrans Right of Way Excess Land team.  All upcoming public auctions (including ones for non-710 properties) can be found on Caltrans Properties for Sale or Lease. Caltrans Excess Land can be contacted at or (213) 897-1868 for additional questions regarding the auction process. 

HRE Registry

State Route 710 Sales Program/Programa de Ventas de la Ruta Estatal 710

Any housing-related private entity (HRE) that wants to purchase surplus properties along the SR 710 corridor for use as affordable housing pursuant to 21 CCR 1485 is invited to send to Caltrans in writing: the HRE’s name, qualifications, address, and email address.  Caltrans will review submitted applications pursuant to criteria outlined in 21 CCR 1485(b)(3).  If approved, the HRE will be placed on a registry used to request bids on properties and will remain on the registry for three years.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Please send written responses by mail or email to: 

Mail: Department of Transportation 
Right of Way Division – SR 710 
100 South Main Street, MS 6 
Los Angeles, CA  90012 




Approved HRE's:  (List will be updated as additional applications are received and approved.) 

  • City of Los Angeles (HACLA)
  • Habitat for Humanity – Greater Los Angeles 
  • Pasadena Friendship 
  • San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity 
  • Women With Vision
  • Neighborhood Housing Services of L.A. County
  • New Economics for Women
  • Union Station Homeless Services
  • The Olson Company
  • Jamboree Housing Corp
  • Beacon Housing Inc
  • Clifford Beers Housing
  • Public Works Group
  • Foundation for Living Beauty
  • El Sereno Community Land Trust
  • Montebello Housing Development Corporation
  • Home Ownership Made Easy 

Questions and Answers received from the HRE webinar presentation 7/26/2022