State Route 710 Sale Properties


The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is offering for sale a number of properties owned by Caltrans on the SR-710 Corridor. This website is designed to assist tenants and prospective buyers to better understand which properties are eligible for purchase, when and how the offers of purchase can be made, in what priority a prospective buyer can make an offer and how the process affects the remaining tenants.

For questions regarding non-710 Sales Information (Public Auction), please contact the District 7 Right of Way - Excess Land Office at (213) 897-1868 or visit the Caltrans' Upcoming Sales and Auctions page.

Si tiene preguntas sobre nuestras subastas, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del Distrito 7, Derecho de Vía en la División de Terrenos en Exceso (Right of Way - Excess Land Office) al (213) 897-1868 o visite el sitio de internet a continuación.
Sitio de Internet: Upcoming Sales and Auctions.