Caltrans Seeks Public Comment on Draft Environmental Document for Arroyo Seco Parkway Upgrades Project


News Release

Date:        February 12, 2025

District:   7

Contact:  Katy Macek

Phone:     213-276-3390





Caltrans Seeks Public Comment on Draft Environmental Document for Arroyo Seco Parkway Upgrades Project

The Public Can Review Documents and Submit Comments Online or by Mail


Los Angeles — The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) seeks public comment on a Draft Initial Study/Environmental Assessment (IS/EA) for a project to improve safety and make updates to parts of the Arroyo Seco Parkway (State Route 110) in the cities of Los Angeles and South Pasadena.


The SR-110 Bridge Replacement and Railing Upgrade Project involves replacing a connector sidehill viaduct on the bridge at northbound SR-110 and northbound Interstate 5, as well as upgrading the Avenue 43 ramp and Arroyo Seco Channel bridges. The study also proposes two alternatives, a “No Build” Alternative and a “Build” Alternative.


The project is located within the boundaries of the Arroyo Seco Parkway Historic District, which is part of the National Register of Historic Places. Caltrans is posting a notice of intent to adopt a Negative Declaration/Finding of No Significant Impact and does not expect this to have a negative impact on the area.


Caltrans invites members of the public, stakeholders from public agencies and private entities as well as any interested individuals to review these documents and submit comments, including if they’d like to request a public hearing.


The Draft IS/EA can be viewed online at Electronic versions are also available to review at these locations:

·      Arroyo Seco Library, 6145 N. Figueroa St.

·      Los Angeles City Library Chinatown Neighborhood Branch, 639 N. Hill St.

·      South Pasadena Public Library, 1100 Oxley St., South Pasadena


Comments can be submitted via email to or by mail to:


Kelly Ewing-Toledo, Deputy District Director

Division of Environmental Planning

California Department of Transportation, District 7

100 South Main St., MS 16A

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Comments must be submitted by March 21. All comments received during this comment period will become part of the project record and evaluated by Caltrans staff to inform decisions


Arroyo Seco Parkway Upgrades Project

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