U.S. 101 Business Plan

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U.S. 101 within the Central Coast between Southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area.

project vicinity map 

Study Purpose

The U.S. 101 Business Plan will provide the data, strategy, and community support needed to match corridor priorities with potential funding mechanisms for implementing improvements in the U.S. 101 corridor. 

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Study Outcomes

  • Inform statewide priorities for investment.
  • State business case for making investments in the U.S. 101 corridor.
  • Identify needs, performance criteria, and priority improvements.
  • Explore trends (e.g. housing growth and jobs-housing balance issues).
  • Develop a financial plan that identifies total funding needs, funding gaps, and potential funding sources.


The U.S.101 Business Plan is being developed as a partnership between Caltrans District 5 and the Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Regional Transportation Planning Agencies within the Central Coast.

Opportunities to Provide Feedback

  • May 27, 2021: U.S. 101 Business Plan District-wide Focus Group Meeting: Caltrans District 5 and the Central Coast Coalition is wrapping up a year-long stakeholder outreach effort to solicit feedback on the US 101 Business Plan. The team will share the draft US 101 project list and facilitate county-specific breakout sessions to hear input on priority improvements influenced by stakeholder experiences.
    • If you are interested in attending, please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMod-morj4qGtflBH3316s4sj21zl4o06ak


District 5 Public Affairs
50 Higuera Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (805) 549-3237
Email: info-d5@dot.ca.gov