San Jose Creek Bridge Replacement on US Route 101
Project Description
Caltrans proposes to replace the existing northbound and southbound San Jose Creek bridges, which are in the city of Goleta in Santa Barbara County on U.S.-101 at post mile 21.6.
The existing northbound and southbound bridges have been found to contain reactive aggregate in the concrete of the superstructures, which may compromise the structural integrity of the bridges. In addition, structural deficiencies have been identified on both bridges
The proposed project would replace the existing bridges with a new single bridge structure. The new bridge will be located in the same location as the existing bridge. The new bridge structure would be designed to meet current Caltrans standards that includes, but not limited to: highway design, seismic, safety and hydraulic.

Project Benefits
Purpose: The purpose of the project is to address the structural deficiencies of the northbound and southbound San Jose Creek bridges to ensure the function and reliability of Route 101.
Need: Based on recommendations detailed in the Structure Replacement and Improvement Needs Report, Bridge Maintenance Strategy Fact Sheet, and Bridge Inspection Reports, replacement of the northbound and southbound San Jose Creek bridges (Bridge Number 51-0163 L/R) is required. The Structure Replacement and Improvement Needs Report identified a need that requires replacing both the substructure and superstructure of the bridges to remedy the issue of reactive aggregate in the concrete and to ensure the function and reliability of this link in the California transportation system.
Funding Breakdown
The project would be paid for with 2018 State Highway Operation and Protection Program funds.
- The project was included in the Santa Barbara Association of Governments’ approved 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program under the State Highway Operation and Protection Program Grouped Project Listing – Bridge Rehabilitation and Reconstruction.
- The proposed project was included in the Santa Barbara Association of Governments approved 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (2013) under the Project # Go-202.
- The total cost estimate for project construction is approximately $19,515,000 with an estimated escalated cost of approximately $22,350,000.
Proposed Project Schedule
- Environmental document completed on: 9/3/2020
- Right-of-way acquisition to be completed on: 6/28/2022
- Design to be completed on: 6/16/2022
- Advertising to be completed on: 12/7/2022
- Construction to start on: 3/1/2023
- Construction to be completed on: 7/1/2026
District 5 Public Affairs
50 Higuera Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 549-3111