Morro Bay Pavement Project


Please click the link below for information about the Hybrid Public Meeting:


Project Description

The project would:

  • Grind and overlay pavement on lanes and shoulders on State Route 1 within the project limits.
  • Replace existing traffic stripes, pavement markings, and rumble strips in kind.
  • Replace 12 light poles.
  • Replace conduits for light poles if they are no longer usable.
  • Add four new light poles to have two light poles per exit ramp, as is recommended per Caltrans' Roadway Lighting Manual. This is dependent on funding becoming available.
  • Replace 17 sign panels and posts.
  • Replace about 3,900 linear feet of guardrail with the Midwest Guardrail System and conduct vegetation control.
  • Replace about 12,000 linear feet of thrie-beam median barrier.
  • Convert part of the thrie-beam median barrier to a median concrete barrier.
  • Install concrete barrier transitions where guardrail ends at bridge rails.
  • Remove and replace existing dikes and overside drains.
  • Conduct light grading and place shoulder backing in the Morro Bay Dog Beach parking lot.
  • Place shoulder backing.
  • Replace any Transportation Management System loops and signal loops damaged by pavement grinding.
  • Replace 17 curb ramps, modify one curb ramp, and install one new curb ramp (for a total of 19 curb ramps).
  • Add six additional curb ramps through a cooperative agreement with the city of Morro Bay.
  • Install accessible pedestrian signals with speakers. Two will be installed at the intersection of State Route 1 and San Jacinto Street, and four will be installed at the intersection of State Route 1 and Yerba Buena Street.
  • Upgrade sidewalks under the Main Street Undercrossing and the State Route 1/State Route 41 (Atascadero Road) Undercrossing from asphalt to concrete.
  • Upgrade the sidewalk at the southeast corner of San Jacinto Street and State Route 1.
  • Conduct minor roadway widening and relocate traffic signals at three signalized intersections to add bike lanes between through lanes and right-turn pockets.
  • Install lighting to illuminate undercrossings with pedestrian infrastructure.
  • Install bike parking facilities at the intersections of State Route 1/Hill Plant Road and State Route 1/Toro Creek Road.
  • Extend node four of culvert system 49-001-02-03112 about 8 feet (16 linear feet due to the culvert system having two pipes) and remove and relocate the headwall in order to widen the roadway to place a bike lane at the signalized intersection of State Route 1 and San Jacinto Street. The slope of concrete ditches may be adjusted.
  • Replace the right-of-way fencing in kind (6-foot chain link fence). Other types of fencing may be proposed and would need to obtain approval from maintenance. This fencing replacement is dependent on funding becoming available.


project vicinity map 


Project Benefits


The purpose of this project is to preserve and extend the service life of the existing pavement. This project’s purpose also includes upgrading outdated assets within the project limits as needed and improving pedestrian and bicyclist facilities to maintain an efficient transportation information system.


The pavement within the project limits is showing deterioration, and other roadway features are in poor condition. If left untreated, deterioration will continue and result in increasingly higher maintenance costs in the future. Most of the existing pedestrian and bicyclist facilities, along with other assets within the project limits, are also in poor condition or are not in compliance with current standards. Upgrading these facilities and assets will ensure a safe, accessible, and efficient transportation system.


Estimated Funding Breakdown

Funding Source Funding Amount
Local To be determined
State $32,000,000
Federal To be determined
Construction Cost $32,000,000



  • City of Morro Bay
  • San Luis Obispo County
  • California Coastal Commission


Proposed Project Schedule

Process Date
Final Environmental document to be completed Summer 2026
Right of way acquisition to be completed Summer 2027
Design to be completed Summer 2027
Advertise Spring 2028
Construction to begin Summer 2028
Construction to be completed To be determined


Project Contact

Benjamin Jensen, Project Manager
Phone: 805-788-8978

Dianna Beck, Senior Environmental Scientist
Phone: 805-459-9406

District 5 Public Information Office
Phone: 805-549-3237



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News and Events

Caltrans is planning to have a virtual public meeting for this project.

Virtual Meeting

Link: Virtual Public Meeting link coming soon


Title VI Information

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) assures that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and Federal Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations).

Caltrans will make every effort to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether they are federally funded or not, and that services and benefits are fairly distributed to all people, regardless of race, color, or national origin. In addition, Caltrans will facilitate meaningful participation in the transportation planning process in a nondiscriminatory manner.

Title VI Brochures

Title VI brochures in various languages