Santa Cruz Route 1 Capital Preventative Maintenance Project
Project Description
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to rehabilitate 8.3 lane miles of flexible Class 2 pavement using Capital Preventive Maintenance strategies. Capital Preventative Maintenance strategies include but are not limited to digouts (repair of more distressed areas of pavement through partial depth replacement), profile grinding, cold planing 0.15 foot of pavement, and placing 0.15 foot of Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt overlay. The anticipated design life of the new pavement is 10 years. The roadway would be re-striped upon completion.
The existing dike would be removed and replaced, and shoulder backing would be placed to manage erosion and weathering at the edge of the pavement.
The project also proposes to remove nonstandard guardrails and install the Midwest Guardrail System with appropriate end treatments. Embankments would be modified as necessary to reflect the changes to the Midwest Guardrail System and terminal end features.
Additionally, the project would replace 16 large signs and 14 small signs, upgrade 51 Americans with Disabilities Act curb ramps and replace 40, replace 0.10 lane mile of Class 2 bike lanes (from post mile 18.15 to post mile 18.25), add guide striping and signage for pedestrians and cyclists, and enhance the visibility of 40 crosswalks at 18 intersections. The project would create two new bus stops (on the northbound and southbound sides) at the intersection of State Route 1 and Western Drive. Ten bike box delineations would also be added at six intersections, and five pedestrian islands would be enhanced at three intersections.
Project Benefits
The purpose of the project is to comprehensively address roadway deficiencies on State Route 1 between post miles17.50 and 20.20, with the goals to:
- Restore the ride quality and extend the service life of 8.3 lane miles of existing pavement by 10 years or more.
- Bring the guardrail and end treatments up to current standards.
- Improve Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility and meet current Americans with Disabilities Act ramp standards.
- Enhance sign panel visibility, increase the longevity of signs, and meet current Federal Highway Administration standards.
- Enhance the transportation network for pedestrians, cyclists, and users of public transit by enhancing crosswalk visibility and pedestrian safety.
- Improve bus access within the project limits by adding bus stops.
The project is needed because certain assets are in poor condition and will continue to deteriorate if they are not repaired or replaced. Failure to address these deficiencies may disrupt service on the State Route 1 corridor through the project limits and would require more frequent maintenance activities. In addition, there is a need to enhance the transportation network for pedestrians, cyclists, and users of public transportation. Specific asset deficiencies that need to be addressed include the following:
- The pavement condition within the project limits is deteriorating and exhibiting unacceptable ride quality. Continued deterioration of this section of the roadway could result in it needing major roadway rehabilitation.
- Sections of guardrails and end treatments within the project limits do not meet the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware standards for collision safety.
- Existing ADA curb ramps are outdated and do not meet current ADA standards. Spot sidewalk repairs are needed at several locations.
- Existing sign panels and posts are in poor condition and nearing the end of their service lives. The panels do not meet the current FHWA reflectivity standards.
- The existing 0.10 mileof Class 2 bike lanes are in a state of deterioration and in need of replacement.
- Many of the crosswalks and bike boxes within the project limits do not currently meet safety standards for visibility, and pedestrian islands are needed to reduce exposure to traffic.
- Additional bus stops are needed to increase the accessibility of public transit.
Estimated Funding Breakdown
Funding Source | Funding Amount |
State | $21,200,000 |
Construction Cost | $14,083,000 |
City of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz City Schools, Santa Cruz METRO, Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission, California Coastal Commission, City of Santa Cruz Fire Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, Roaring Camp Railroads
Proposed Project Schedule
Process | Date |
Final environmental document to be completed | Spring 2024 |
Right-of-way acquisition to be completed | Spring 2026 |
Design to be completed | Spring 2026 |
Advertise | Fall 2026 |
Construction to begin | Winter 2026 |
Construction to be completed | Winter 2027 |
Project Contact
Madilyn Jacobsen, Project Manager
Phone: (805) 835-6328
Dianna Beck, Senior Environmental Planner
Phone: (805) 459-9406
Public Information Office, Caltrans District 5
Phone: (805) 549-3318
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Title VI Information
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) assures that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and Federal Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations).
Caltrans will make every effort to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether they are federally funded or not, and that services and benefits are fairly distributed to all people, regardless of race, color, or national origin. In addition, Caltrans will facilitate meaningful participation in the transportation planning process in a nondiscriminatory manner.
Title VI Brochures
Title VI brochures in various languages