Bradley CAPM Project
Project Description
The project includes the following elements:
- Replace the northbound San Antonio River Bridge (Bridge Number 44-0141R) at post mile R6.66. Two build alternatives are under consideration for the bridge replacement method.
- Alternative 1: Alternative 1 would replace the existing bridges using the precast concrete construction method. This alternative would take up to three construction seasons.
- Alternative 2: Alternative 2 would replace the existing bridges using the cast-in-place concrete construction method. This alternative would take up to four construction seasons.
- The San Antonio River Bridge replacements would require two retaining walls north of the bridges. Adjacent to the northbound lanes, the retaining wall would be approximately 450 feet long. Adjacent to the southbound lanes, the wall would be approximately 520 feet long.
- • Replace the southbound North Bradley Undercrossing Bridge (Bridge Number 44-0142L) at post mile R7.94
- The southbound North Bradley Undercrossing Bridge would be replaced with a precast/prestressed concrete box beam-type superstructure.
Roadway Rehabilitation
- • Perform capital preventive maintenance by cold planing and overlaying the lanes and inside and outside shoulders with 0.20 foot of rubberized asphalt concrete.
- The project would also include other roadway improvements, such as replacing pavement markings and rumble strips and widening the shoulders a short distance before and after the San Antonio River Bridges.
- Install a Type 2 slurry seal at the parking lots of both northbound and southbound Camp Roberts Safety Roadside Rest Areas
Guardrails and Barriers
- Remove existing guardrails and install Midwest Guardrail System features.
Transportation Management System and Signs
- Install five traffic census stations at post miles R2.15, R3.21, R4.77, R7.94, and R9.55. The project would replace one existing traffic census station at post mile R4.85.
- Replace and upgrade all sign panels that are not currently Type 11 backing material within the project limits. This includes replacing associated signposts. Twenty-five one-post signs and 15 two-post signs are planned for replacement
Drainage Improvements
- Replace four culverts and repair one. The replacement method is expected to be open cut for three of the four culvert replacements. Jack and bore method would be needed for the fourth one at post mile R7.78.
Construction Activities
During the final project design phase, prior to the official start of the construction phase, geotechnical boring investigations will be completed within the San Antonio River floodplain to gather data necessary for project design decisions. In addition, Positive Utility Location will be completed to positively identify the location of utilities prior to commencement of construction. The methods for Positive Utility Location vary from above-ground detection to using a water hose to reveal utility lines beneath the surface.
The bulk of the on-the-ground work will occur during the construction phase. At the beginning of bridge construction, pile load testing will be performed on the bridge piles. This test will be minimally invasive and will perform stress testing on a pile that will be used for the bridge. Use of a separate test pile is not anticipated. Temporary construction activities would include pavement rehabilitation, culvert replacement, bridge replacement, traffic controls (including a bicycle detour), equipment access, vegetation clearing, staging, and stock piling. Utility relocations are not currently anticipated. During replacement of the San Antonio River Bridges, temporary median crossovers will be used to divert the northbound and southbound traffic onto the opposite structure of the one being actively replaced. Temporary dewatering and diversion will be required in the San Antonio River in order to allow for bridge replacement work to be completed

Project Benefits
The purpose of this project is to comprehensively address the structural deficiencies, extend the service life of the roadway within the project limits, restore drainage systems, and add traffic census (count) stations. The proposed goals of the project are the following:
- Improve bridge health condition and/or mitigate for bridge scour. Improve the ride quality and extend the service life of the pavement by rehabilitating the worn-out pavement
- Restore failing culverts.
- Improve traffic census station data collection and maintain an efficient Intelligent Transportation System.
- Bring traffic safety devices up to current design standards.
- Replace the sign panels to improve visibility and to meet current Federal Highway Administration standards. Replace signposts where sign panels are replaced..
This project is needed for the following reasons:
- The Bridge Strategy Meeting Fact Sheet and the Bridge Inspection Reports states that delamination in the concrete bridge elements have occurred, which are being affected by alkali-silica reactivity and chlorides. Additionally, the August 15th, 2024 Structure Maintenance and Investigation Hydraulics Inspection Report states that the San Antonio River Bridges are scour critical.
- Based on the Pavement Condition Report, the pavement within the project limits is exhibiting distress and degraded ride quality. Minor rehabilitation of the pavement in the form of repair and overlay is needed because if left uncorrected, the pavement will continue to deteriorate leading to more costly reconstruction.
- Culvert inspections show that several culverts within the project limits are in fair and poor condition and need to be replaced or repaired. Not repairing this deficiency could lead to embankment or pavement failure.
- Traffic census station improvements are needed to collect reliable traffic volume data. Traffic census stations are proposed to reduce worker exposure to high- speed traffic by eliminating the need to place pneumatic hoses within the ramp lanes.
- Caltrans has adopted the new Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware crash testing criteria as the new roadside safety hardware standard. Due to this change, the existing metal beam guardrail does not meet current standards.
- Many of the existing sign panels within the project limits do not meet the current Federal Highway Administration standards retro-reflectivity standards. Where sign panels are replaced, the sign posts will also need to be replaced.
Estimated Funding Breakdown
Funding Source | Funding Amount |
Local | Not Applicable |
State | $6,635,000 |
Federal | $51,207,000 |
Construction Cost | $57,842,000 |
Proposed Project Schedule
Process | Date |
Final Environmental document to be completed | Summer 2025 |
Right-of-way acquisition to be completed | Winter 2027 |
Design to be completed | Winter 2028 |
Advertise | Winter 2029 |
Construction to begin | Spring 2029 |
Construction to be completed | Summer 2032 |
Project Contact
Mark Leichtfuss, Project Manager
Phone: 805-441-0125
Dianna Beck, Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisor)
Phone: 805-459-9406
District 5 Public Information Office
Phone: 805-549-3138
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- Coming soon!
Title VI Information
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) assures that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and Federal Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations).
Caltrans will make every effort to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether they are federally funded or not, and that services and benefits are fairly distributed to all people, regardless of race, color, or national origin. In addition, Caltrans will facilitate meaningful participation in the transportation planning process in a nondiscriminatory manner.
Title VI Brochures
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