Santa Cruz 1 Roadside Safety and Drainage System Improvements

Project Description

Caltrans proposes to restore 30 drainage culverts, improve 47 roadside safety locations, rehabilitate 32 lighting elements, and install 12 transportation management system elements in Santa Cruz County along State Route 1 from 0.5 mile north of Larkin Valley Road to Laguna Road in Santa Cruz (post miles 8.2 to 26.0).

project location map 1

Project Benefits


  • Improve and restore culverts to their water conveyance purpose, which protects embankments and roadways from potential failure.
  • Improve maintenance worker safety and roadside maintainability.
  • Replace existing lighting elements that are beyond their useful life and install additional lighting elements to enhance lighting conditions at new locations.
  • Replace and add transportation management system elements to improve the collection of traffic data and notify the traveling public of traffic conditions.


  • Many deficiencies have been identified to existing culverts, including corroded or worn pipe inverts, perforated pipe sections, joint offsets, and significant ditch, channel, and slope erosion, which lead to lower water conveyance capacities and costly emergency repairs.
  • The identified gore areas frequently expose maintenance workers to high-speed traffic and need to be addressed for roadside safety.
  • The District Electrical unit recommended rehabilitating lighting elements that have reached the end of their service life within the project limits.

Without the proposed transportation management system improvements, traffic information collected from within the project limits might be unreliable.


Estimated Funding Breakdown

Funding Source Funding Amount
State 11 Percent
Federal 89 Percent
Construction Cost $12,400,000


Proposed Project Schedule

Process Date
Final environmental document to be completed Winter 2022
Right-of-way acquisition & Design to be completed Spring 2024
Advertise Winter 2024
Construction to begin Winter 2025
Construction to be completed Winter 2026

Project Contact

Lucas Marsalek, Environmental Branch Chief
Phone: (805) 458-5408

Chad Stoehr, Project Manager
Phone: (805) 500-0713

Public Information Office, Caltrans District 5
Phone: (805) 549-3318


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