Monterey 101 Drainage Improvements Project
Project Description
This is an asset improvement project with various locations along US 101 in Monterey County, between post miles R28.23 and 100.3. Caltrans proposes to install two new drainage culverts and restore or replace 34 drainage culverts, two overhead sign structures, two count stations, and two pumping plants, as well as install three new changeable message signs and one retaining wall along the US 101 corridor.
Project Benefits
The purpose of this project is to improve assets in poor condition:
- Restore damaged culverts in poor condition and add culverts as necessary to maintain the purpose of the existing drainage pipe and protect the embankments and roadway from potential failure.
- Replace overhead box beam sign structures and upgrade overhead sign panels to meet current standards for improved sign visibility and quality.
- Upgrade existing pumps and electrical control systems at pump plant locations to ensure capacity and adequate performance during storms.
- Replace existing count stations to meet current standards and extend service life. Also, install new changeable message signs to maintain an efficient Intelligent Transportation System and convey adequate traffic information to the traveling public.
The project is needed because numerous drainage and information collection and sharing assets have been identified as being in poor condition and at risk of failure between the project’s start and end post miles. These assets with identified deficiencies are as follows:
- Culverts that have been identified as in poor condition show varying degrees of damage caused by corrosion, deformation, perforation, damaged inverts, shape loss, joint separation, undermined backfill, and overall deterioration. If the identified culverts are not replaced and/or rehabilitated, future roadway and embankment failure could occur. [The following sentence has been added since the draft environmental document was circulated.] In some locations, new culverts are needed to facilitate proper drainage.
- Two overhead sign structures of deficient and non-standard size, as well as non-standard and outdated sign panels, have been identified. Without upgrades, visibility of existing guide signs would continue to be inadequate for the traveling public.
- The Headquarters Office of Electrical, Mechanical, Water, and Wastewater Engineering Inspection Report identified that pumping plant equipment at two locations have deficiencies that need to be addressed to prevent future roadway flooding, damage, and disruption to traffic during storms. The pumping plant at post mile 66.39 needs new pumps and related equipment because the features are reaching the end of their service life and would be at risk of failure if not replaced. The pumping plant at post mile 82.48 needs capacity-increasing improvements; the plant is currently incapable of handling a 50-year storm and does not meet standards for preventing roadway flooding in a power outage.
- The District 5 Transportation Management Center provides real-time traffic information to motorists via changeable message signs. It also collects count data to archive into the Caltrans Performance Measurement System for historical analysis and public use. The existing changeable message sign and traffic data collection stations are outdated.
Estimated Funding Breakdown
Funding Source | Funding Amount |
State | TBD |
Federal | $17,457,000 |
Construction Cost | $21,506,136 |
Proposed Project Schedule
Process | Date |
Final environmental document to be completed | December 2022 |
Design to be completed | December 2024 |
Advertise | March 2025 |
Construction to begin | July 2025 |
Construction to be completed | July 2026 |
Project Contact
Mark Leichtfuss
Phone: (805) 441-0125
Dianna Beck, Senior Environmental Planner
Phone: (805) 459-9406
Public Information Office, Caltrans District 5
Phone: (805) 549-3318
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