District 4 - Public Affairs
Caltrans District 4 - Oakland
Serving the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma.
General Information
Phone: (510) 286-4444
Physical Address:
California Department of Transportation
District 4
111 Grand Ave
Oakland, CA 94612
Mailing Address:
California Department of Transportation
District 4
P.O. Box 23660
Oakland, CA 94623-0660
Bay Bridge Information
District 4 Map
Bart Ney
Chief of Public Affairs
Phone: (510) 715-7212
Vince Jacala
Branch Chief: Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Solano, and Delta Ferries
Phone: (510) 385-7069
- Matt O’Donnell
Marin County
Phone: (510) 852-5113
Jeff Weiss
Sonoma County
Phone: (510) 715-8770
- Ryan Leong
Napa County
Phone: (510) 385-7068
- Alexander Tidd
Solano and Delta Ferries
Phone: (510) 421-3168
Gia Whiteside
Branch Chief: Alameda and Contra Costa
Phone: (341) 766-2467
- Hector Chinchilla
Alameda County
Phone: (510) 421-8040
Pedro Quintana
Branch Chief: San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara
Phone: (510) 867-6028
- Lori Shepherd
San Francisco County
Phone: (510) 406-9908
Jeneane Crawford
San Mateo County
Phone: (510) 390-3253
Victor Gauthier
Santa Clara County
Phone: (510) 290-5116
- Regina Hunter
Branch Chief
Office of Public Affairs and Customer Service
Phone: (510) 390-3221
- Information Desk, Public Affairs Office
Phone: (510) 286-6173