District 11 News Releases

California Interstate 8 and State Route 125 icons

Maintenance crews will close the eastbound Interstate 8 (I-8) connector to northbound and southbound State Route 125 (SR-125) from 5 p.m. Saturday to 5 a.m. Monday for culvert replacement.

California Interstate 805 and State Route 54 icons

Caltrans maintenance crews will close the northbound Interstate 805 (I-805) connector to eastbound State Route 54 (SR-54) Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for pavement repair.

California Interstate 805 and State Route 54 icons

Caltrans maintenance crews will close the northbound Interstate 805 (I-805) connector to eastbound State Route 54 (SR-54) Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for pavement repair.

California Interstate 8 and State Route 125 icons

Maintenance crews will close the eastbound Interstate 8 (I-8) connector northbound and southbound State Route 125 (SR-125) Saturday from 6-9 a.m. for electrical maintenance.

California Interstate 15 and State Route 56 Shields

Maintenance crews will close the northbound Interstate 15 (I-15) connector to eastbound and westbound State Route 56/Ted Williams Parkway (SR-56) Thursday for pavement striping.

California Interstate 5 and State Route 94 shields. For more information, call (619) 688-6670 or email CT.Public.Information.D11@dot.ca.gov

Caltrans maintenance crews will close the southbound Interstate 5 (I-5) connector to eastbound State Route 94 (SR-94) Tuesday from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. for striping work.
