Garwood Bridge Rehabilitation Project Public Notice

(Study Results Available)
San Joaquin River Garwood Bridge Rehabilitation Project
Public Comment Period
Comments will be accepted from May 21 to June 21, 2024. If there are no major comments or requests for a public hearing, Caltrans will proceed with the project’s design.
What’s Being Planned?
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to address the structural deficiencies on the existing San Joaquin River Garwood Bridge (Bridge Number 29-0050). The work includes replacing the damaged members of the west portal sway truss bracing with new members, removing the bridge operator house, patching the spalls in the polyester concrete overlay along the westbound lane and along the soffit of Bay 4 in Span 3, and resetting the bridge abutment bearing to prevent the undesirable movement occurring in the right bearing at Abutment 1. In addition, the project would address maintenance issues such as removal of underwater debris from Pier 2, erosion control along Abutment 1, and enhancement of the safety lighting at the approach, departure, and intersection of Roberts Lane and State Route 4.
Why This Public Notice?
Caltrans has studied the effects this project may have on the environment. Our studies show the project will not significantly affect the quality of the environment. The report that explains why is called an Initial Study with Proposed Negative Declaration. This notice is to inform you of the preparation of the Initial Study with Proposed Negative Declaration and of its availability for you to read and comment on. This notice also offers you an opportunity to request a public hearing.
What’s Available?
You can view or obtain the Initial Study with Proposed Negative Declaration and other project information at the following locations:
- Caltrans District 10 Office at 1976 East Doctor Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, Stockton, California 95205, weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- The Cesar Chavez Central Library at 605 North El Dorado Street, Stockton, California 95202-1907, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
The document is also posted online on the Caltrans District 10 website (
Do you have any comments about processing the project with an Initial Study with Proposed Negative Declaration? Do you disagree with the findings of our study as set forth in the Proposed Negative Declaration? Would you care to make any other comments on the project? Please submit your comments in writing by U.S. mail or email no later than June 21, 2024, to Caltrans, Attention: Laura Cook, Senior Environmental Scientist, 1976 East Doctor Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, Stockton, California 95205, or by email to The date Caltrans will begin accepting comments is May 21, 2024. If there are no major comments, Caltrans will proceed with the project's design.
For more information about this project or to request an electronic or hard copy version of the document, please contact Laura Cook, Senior Environmental Scientist, at or by phone at 209-662-2261. For all other state highway matters in the area, please contact the District 10 Public Information Office at district10- or by phone at 209-948-7543.
Special Accommodations
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, individuals who require accommodation (American Sign Language Interpreter, accessible seating, documents in alternative formats, etc.) are requested to contact the Caltrans District 10 Public Information Office at or by phone at 209-948-7543. Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact the California Relay Service line at 1-800-735-2929, Voice Line at 1-800-735-2922, or contact the California Relay Service Teletype Voice Line by dialing 711.