ATP General and Technical Information

Training Highlight
Your ATP Application was Successful - Now What?
This workshop outlines the next steps for an awarded agency to begin their ATP project.

Additional ATP Training and Resources
Training and Workshops available for assistance with your ATP application,
project design, and implementation


Baseline agreements establish the agreed-upon expected benefits, project scope, schedule, and cost of a project for which the California Transportation Commission (CTC) has approved funding. These agreements provide a foundation for project monitoring and reporting and identify the agency responsible for reporting on the progress made towards the implementation of the project. The baseline agreements are considered the front-end document that forms the foundation for the Commission’s in-progress and follow-up accountability.

In accordance with the SB 1 Accountability and Transparency Guidelines (PDF), the Commission expects Caltrans to coordinate all baseline agreements for the Active Transportation Program (ATP) projects with a total project cost of $25 million or greater or a total programmed amount of $10 million or greater adopted in the 2017 Active Transportation Program Augmentation and subsequent program amendments and adoptions.

Approved baseline agreement is required prior to allocating all phases other than PA&ED and after the environmental document has been completed. Baseline agreements for projects with completed environmental documents should be approved by CTC within 4 months after programming. For projects that completed the environmental phase after programming, baseline agreements are due 6 months after environmental certification. Typically, the baseline agreement process can take about 2-3 months to complete.


Here's the list of required documents that the local agency needs to provide to Caltrans HQ DLA:

  1. Baseline Agreement (1 e-copy)
  2. Project Programming Request Form (1 e-copy)
  3. Benefits form with current and projected user counts (1 e-copy)
  4. List, on separate page, any discrepancies between the Baseline Agreement, approved Project Application, PPR, the Project Report (or equivalent, if NEPA is completed), etc.; each discrepancy must have justification/explanation. (1 e-copy of page)
  5. Approved CEQA document(s) (1 e-copy)

If NEPA has been completed, please include the following documents with the submittal:

  • Approved NEPA document(s) (1 e-copy)
  • Project Report (or equivalent; 1 e-copy)

If you need more information, please visit the CTC Baseline Agreements


For assistance with the Baseline Agreement, please contact:

Afrid Sarker

ATP Program Coordinator

Division of Local Assistance, Caltrans HQ



For additional training, resources, and technical assistance that can help with an ATP Application, visit the Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC):

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