Corridor Planning

Caltrans' System Planning Branch provides planning data and analysis for long-term interregional transportation and statewide travel. Through a series of system planning documents, current and future deficiencies on the State highway system are identified, in addition to improvements for meeting mobility goals.

Transportation Concept Report (TCR)

Each Caltrans district creates a Transportation Concept Report (TCR) for each State route within that district, which provides a long term (20 years or more) plan for that route. A TCR identifies current operating conditions, future deficiencies, a target level of service (LOS) for each segment in that route, and improvements needed to sustain or reach those targets.

Corridor System Management Plan (CSMP)

A Corridor System Management Plan (CSMP) is used to outline the multi-jurisdictional and multi-modal management of a corridor experiencing delay due to congestion. A CSMP results in a listing and phasing plan of recommended operational improvements, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) strategies, and system expansion projects to preserve or improve performance measures within the corridor.  CSMPs are required for all projects receiving Proposition 1B (2006) Corridor Mobility Improvement Account (CMIA) funding.

District System Management Plan (DSMP)

The District System Management Plan (DSMP) is a long-range (20 year) strategic and policy planning document that presents the long range goals, policies and programs the district intends to follow in maintaining, managing, and developing the transportation system. It serves as a resource for informing federal, state, regional and local agencies, and the public and private sector of the plans the district intends to follow in its partnership role with local and regional agencies.

More on Corridor Planning