System Planning

The System Planning Branch is fundamental to Caltrans’ long-range planning for interregional transportation, corridor system management, and multimodal statewide travel analysis on the State Highway System (SHS).  System planning fulfills Caltrans’ statutory responsibility as owner/operator of the SHS by:

  1. Serving as Caltrans’ principal mechanism for long range transportation planning in both rural and urbanized areas, and
  2. Providing information for examining and analyzing the larger transportation system in the broader context of statewide mobility and intermodal connectivity.

System Planning provides the foundation for identifying current and future deficiencies on the SHS and identifies strategies and projects which meet Caltrans goals.

System planning promotes the continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive statewide transportation planning process as outlined in 23 U.S.C. §135 and 23 CFR §450. System Planning also supports California Government Code §65086, which calls for “long-term state highway system planning to identify future highway improvements.”

System Planning Analysis and Support