State Planning

The State Planning Office informs transportation decision makers and stakeholders regarding existing conditions, or estimates the potential implications of a policy or project. The Office also produces and manages transportation planning data and GIS products.

Methods include:

  • Economic Analysis
  • Geospatial Analysis
  • Data Analysis and Research

The Office consists of three branches: 1) Data and Geospatial Management, 2) Statewide Modeling and 3) Transportation Economics. The Office provides data, economic, and GIS tools and services to transportation stakeholders through data collection, research, and analyses.  

Data & Geospatial Management

The Data and Geospatial Management Branch provides Caltrans with data and information as needed, efficiently and in the right format by informed use of available and emerging technology.

Statewide Modeling

The Statewide Modeling Branch is responsible for maintaining and running the California Statewide Freight Forecasting and Travel Demand Modeling (CSF2TDM) by providing interregional travel analysis, and forecasts. In addition, this Branch supports microsimulation modeling practices to provide support for corridor and project level analysis. Statewide Modeling also includes freight forecasting technical analysis to other Programs and Agencies.

Transportation Economics

The Transportation Economics Branch provides transportation decision makers with expert research, analysis and legislative information to ensure productive and efficient use of public resources. The branch conducts economic analyses such as performing benefit-cost, economic impact and estimating motorist value of time. In addition, the branch publishes a county socioeconomic forecast and an overview of transportation funding in California.

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California State Transportation Agency


California State Transportation Agency

Connecting State Climate Goals and VMT

CARB 2017 Scoping Plan

Connecting State Climate Goals and VMT

California Transportation Commission


California Transportation Commission


Scott Sauer, Office Chief, Data Analytics Services

Kalin Pacheco, Branch Chief, Statewide Modeling

Gilberto Chambers, Branch Chief, Transportation Economics

Samer Batarseh, Branch Chief, Data & Geospatial Management