TSMO Regional Operations Forums

Transportation System Management and Operations Pyramid 

Caltrans Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Regional Operations Forums (ROF) and Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Self-Assessments

Caltrans is pursuing innovative strategies to improve multi-modal and multi-jurisdictional transportation system performance. While new strategies and technologies are being introduced to improve travel time reliability and safety, they have not been fully incorporated into existing business practices, processes, and decision making.  Although, individual Caltrans district personnel and their local partners are successfully applying many TSMO strategies, they have little opportunity to share successes and lessons learned within the district and with local partners. 

TSMO Regional Operation Forums provide an opportunity for Caltrans and local partners to come together and learn about the latest TSMO advances in California and nationally and share their experiences in implementing TSMO strategies. Many of our district TSMO ROFs have focused on strategic corridors where partnering agencies seek to improve corridor system performance.

Specific topics such as: corridor performance monitoring, organizing for corridor management, traffic incident management, and goods movement are discussed, in addition to topics aimed at improving overall TSMO capabilities within the identified corridor or district. A Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Self-Assessment is also conducted to determine partners’ combined ability to implement and sustain TSMO in six key CMM dimensions. The result of the combined ROF/CMM is an improved understanding of TSMO, potential strategies and impacts and a strategic TSMO implementation plan that identifies specific actions that partners will take to improve their ability to implement and sustain TSMO and realize the transportation system performance benefits that TSMO can result in. As of November 2017, Caltrans has held TSMO ROFs, in all of its 12 districts save District 7 where a more comprehensive TSMO assessment was conducted as part of a larger organizing for corridor management effort. 

This webpage lists each district’s ROF/CMM by date and contains copies of all of associated presentations. The webpage is updated continuously as new materials are identified.