Mile Markers
Caltrans Key Strategic Management Plan Performance Measures
Goal: Safety and Health
Provide a safe transportation system for workers and users, and promote health through active transportation and reduced pollution in communities.

Goal: Stewardship and Efficiency
Money counts. Responsibly manage California’s transportation-related assets.

Goal: Sustainability, Livability and Economy
Make long-lasting, smart mobility decisions that improve the environment, support a vibrant economy, and build communities, not sprawl.

Goal: System Performance
Utilize leadership, collaboration and strategic partnerships to develop an integrated transportation system that provides reliable and accessible mobility for travelers.

Goal: Organizational Excellence
Be a national leader in delivering quality service through excellent employee performance, public communication and accountability.

- Director's Message
- Mile Markers
- COVID-19 Response
- SB 1: Progress Made, Challenges Remain
- Bridge, Other Inspections Taking to the Skies
- Safety Plan Seeks to Protect Roadway Users
- Report Maps Future Freight Strategy in State
- Canyon Bridge Network Rebuilt After Slides
- Caltrans Exceeds Small Business Goals
- Busy Year at Capitol Yields New Transportation Laws
- Mileposts
- Pay-Per-Mile Remains Viable Alternative for Transportation Funding
- Partnership Program Pitches In With a Hitch