Mile Markers

Mile Markers: Caltrans Key Strategic Plan Performance Measures

Caltrans Strategic Plan Performance Objectives

Caltrans 2020-2024 Strategic Plan has a series of performance objectives meant to gauge success at affecting the intended outcomes for each of the six goals. This dashboard represents those performance objectives that we are tracking and are able to report on. Quarter 1 data is available below. Some quarter 2 data not yet available.

safety icon

Goal: Safety First

Reduce the number of on-the-job serious injuries to zero, annually.

Safety First chart  

An on-the-job serious injury is any work-related injury or illness resulting in a fatality, inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye. Annual traffic safety targets are presented as not-to-exceed targets. Data is provisional and subject to change. The traffic collision data used for these performance objectives will not be final until the third quarter of calendar year 2024.

excellence icon

Goal: Cultivate Excellence

In alignment with Caltrans mission, vision, and goals, the Equal Employment Opportunity Program along with our partners at Cooperative Personnel Services Human Resources, are excited to provide online Implicit Bias training. This training is designed to raise awareness, improve decision-making, and help avoid unintended outcomes at Caltrans. The training will also offer steps to prevent implicit biases from negatively affecting workplace decisions and conduct. 

Increase the percentage of employees who take Implicit Bias training for the year, to 90%.

*Contracting process experiencing significant delays. 

mile marker graphic

multimodal icon

Goal: Multimodal

Caltrans is in the process of establishing a baseline and to begin reporting on the number of Caltrans Active Transportation Plan's location-based needs planned and constructed by programmed projects. The location-based needs provides information related to bicycle, sidewalk, and crossing needs. Initially the projected due date for this effort was March 2022 however statewide data was not available which caused delays. The updated timeline is 2024.


stewardship icon

Goal: Strengthen Stewardship and Drive Efficiency

The California Department of Transportation, Office of Civil Rights is dedicated to increasing the participation of Small Business (SB), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) firms in both Federal and State contracting and procurement.

Increase the utilization of DBE-certified contractors, overall and across each Socially and Economically Disadvantaged group, to annually achieve our DBE goal of 22.2%.

Steward and Efficiency Chart

Increase the dollar value of small businesses, disabled veteran business enterprises, and disadvantaged business enterprises, by 100% by June 2024.

Stewardship and Efficiency Chart 2

climate icon

Goal: Lead Climate Action

Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order (EO) B-16-12, state departments are required to increase the number of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs)  within their state fleet. As the steward of California’s state highway system, Caltrans serves an important and unique role in the state’s efforts to increase ZEVs on California’s roadways. In coordination with Caltrans Divisions and Districts, other state agencies, and external partners, the Department's ZEV strategy includes transitioning the Caltrans vehicle fleet, including locomotives, to ZEVs.

Increase the percentage of Caltrans fleet that are Zero-Emission Vehicles, to 12% by June 2024.

equity icon

Goal: Advance Equity and Livability in all Communities

Caltrans is in the process of developing several data tools that will help us gauge our success toward equity. An Accessibility Score and Engagement Tool are currently under development. Until they are developed and a baseline is established, there is no data to report. Once these tools are developed we will be reporting on those data sets. Initially these tools had projected completion dates between March and June 2022 however pending agreements, vendor procurements, and resource issues caused delays. The updated timeline for these tools is July 2024.
Caltrans completed the Equity Index tool in March 2024. The tool is a spatial screening tool designed to identify transportation-based priority populations at the Census block level. The Equity Index tool integrates transportation and socioeconomic indicators into three screens. All screens reflect low-income status and Tribal land status.