Caltrans Excellence in Transportation (EIT) Awards

Entry Checklist

Each project nomination must consist of the following:

One electronic copy that contains the following documents (do not alter forms):

  • Project Summary, Project Narrative, and Entrant Organizations and Contributing Individuals. Note: Document name must consist of category and project title.
  • One signed District/Deputy Director Approval form. Note: Only Caltrans-nominated projects must include this form. A single approval form can be used for multiple entries. Nominations made by all other agencies/organizations do not need to include this form.
  • Project Photographs Note: Photograph names must consist of category and project title.
    • Include color photographs displaying different views of the project.
    • At least one hi-resolution landscape photograph.
      • If your project wins, we will use one of the hi-resolution landscape photographs for your plaque and the website.
      • Collages of smaller pictures may be submitted for photographs.
  • One signed photographer's release for each photo giving Caltrans the right to use and reproduce the photos without an additional charge. Photos taken by Caltrans staff during their work do not need a signed release.

Email all forms noted above to

  • Only one entry per email.
  • Email subject line must consist of category and project title.
  • If email is too large to send due to hi-resolution photographs or large documents, they can be emailed separately, or transferred to a flash drive and mailed to:

Awards Coordinator
California Department of Transportation
1120 N Street, Room 1202, MS 49
Sacramento, CA 95814

All materials entered become the property of Caltrans and will not be returned.