RFQ-IT Number: 20A0378

Notice of Intent to Award  |  March 7, 2025

Notice is hereby given that the Department of Transportation intends to award a contract to the following proposer: 

Acuity Technology Solutions Inc.

The proposed award is the result of the department’s request for quote - information technology (RFQ-IT) listed below:

RFQ-IT Number: 20A0378

This notice constitutes compliance with the State Contracting Manual, Volume 2, Request for Quotation – 1405.2. Any protests concerning this proposed award must be filed with the Deputy Director of the Procurement Division (PD), Department of General Services (DGS), 707 Third Street, 2nd Floor South, West Sacramento, CA 95605-2811 by 5:00 P.M. on March 14, 2025.

DGS PD Business Phone: (916) 375-4587
DGS Email: OLSProtests@dgs.ca.gov

A copy of any protest must also be sent, by the same date and time, to the Department of Transportation, Division of Procurement and Contracts, Bid, Protest, and Dispute Branch, MS 65, 1727 30th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-7006, or the protester may hand-deliver to 1727 30th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-7006.