IFB Number: 09A1042

Notice of Intent to Award  |  February 13, 2025

Notice is hereby given that the Department of Transportation intends to award a contract to the following bidder: 

Garcia Paving Inc.

The proposed award is the result of the department’s invitation for bid (IFB) listed below:

IFB Number: 09A1042

This notice constitutes compliance with the State Contracting Manual, Volume 1, Sections 5.65B and 6.10A. Any protests concerning this proposed award must be filed with the Department of Transportation, Division of Procurement and Contracts, Attention: Bid, Protest, and Dispute Branch Chief, 1727 30th Street, MS 65, Sacramento, CA 95816-7006 by 1:00 P.M. on February 21, 2025.

DPAC Protest Unit Phone: (916) 639-6340
DPAC Protest Unit Email: DPAC.Protest.Disputes.Terminations@dot.ca.gov