A&E Advertisements

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For the most current contract information, please visit Cal eProcure as this list may not be complete.

New A&E Advertisements

Cal eProcure posted A&E Advertisements:

Event ID Event Name SOQ Due Date
04A7042 Environment Support Services for Development and Construction 07/08/24 10:00 AM
04A7044 Environmental Generalist Services  07/10/24 10:00 AM
59A1319 Structure Construction Inspection Services 07/15/24 10:00 AM
12A2210 Multi-Asset Roadway Construction Support 07/16/24 10:00 AM
03A3809 Professional and Technical Land Surveying Services 07/23/24 10:00 AM
12A2212 On-Call Claims and CPM Scheduling Support 08/06/24 10:00 AM
53A0296 Value Analysis (VA) for Process Studies 08/07/24 10:00 AM

Upcoming A&E Advertisements

The following A&E Advertisements are planned to be advertised in the next 5 business/working days:

District Type of Work Estimated Amount  Description of Work, Changes, and Outreach New or Replacement Service
59 Structure Construction 23,500,000 Perform Structure Construction Inspection Services Replacement