Inactive Projects
Caltrans Division of Local Assistance, Office of Project Management Oversight, through District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE), provides guidance and support to Local Agencies in managing the inactive projects, and participate in the quarterly review with FHWA.
In response to FHWA's Guidance, the Department is going to manage Inactive Projects as follows:
- If the Department does not receive an invoice for more than six months, the project will be posted on the Department's website.
- If the Department does not receive an invoice in the next five months (11 months without invoicing), the Department will work with local agency to provide proper justification for inactivity (causes beyond the control of the agency such as litigation, unforeseen utility relocations, catastrophic events that delay the project or unforeseen environmental concerns) and establishing time frame for invoicing.
- Project obligation could be removed by FHWA if local agency does not provide proper justification or invoice within specified and agreed upon timeframe.
- It is the Local Agencies responsibility to work in collaboration with their respective District Local Assistance Engineers (DLAE's) to ensure their projects are invoiced timely.
Effective May 23, 2018 - FHWA Obligation Funds Management Guide
Inactive Project List (Status Update)- Inactive Project Justification Form: All projects with an unexpended balance greater than or equal to $150,000 with no activity for the past 9 months are subject to this review as well as those projects with an unexpended obligation of $50,000 to $150,000 which were authorized more than 9 months ago and have no expenditures.
- Updated on: 03/05/2025
- Invoice Submission Due to District: See Inactive Project List above
- Future inactive projects (3-5 months inactivity)
January 14, 2025
- California Repeat Inactive Project List FFY 25 Q2
- Repeat Inactive Projects Justification Form
- DLA Repeat Inactive Projects Notification Letter
- Current Cost Estimate Form
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