In an effort to provide broader and better access to publications, electronic versions of Caltrans Local Assistance publications are made available on this web site for downloading, printing, distribution and copying. However, modification of the publications provided on this Local Assistance web site is not authorized. Results from any modifications are the responsibility of the user.
Local Assistance publications are updated continuously and revisions are issued periodically. While every effort is made to ensure that the information posted on this web site is the most up-to-date information available from the Division of Local Assistance, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that his or her information is current and is being used for the intended purpose. Please contact the DLA Webmaster if you have concerns regarding the current status of this material.
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If you have questions, comments, or any changes that need to be made in the Local Assistance Procedure Manual or the Local Assistance Program Guidelines, please contact the DLA Webmaster.