U.S. Bicycle Route System (USBRS)

The United States Bicycle Route System (USBRS) was established in 1978 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) for the purpose of "facilitating travel between the states over routes which have been identified as being more suitable than others for cycling." The National Corridor Plan for the (USBRS) was established by AASHTO in 2008. The Adventure Cycling Association (ACA) manages the USBRS route-designation process nationally for AASHTO. To date, nearly 15,000 miles of the USBRS have been established in 31 states and Washington DC.

As the AASHTO-designated lead for the State of California, Caltrans leadership and involvement is necessary for official USBRS route-designation in California. In response to growing interest statewide in USBRS route-designation, Caltrans has developed a State framework and uniform approach regarding USBRS route-designation.

USBRS Policy Statement

As an AASHTO-designated lead organization in the USBRS route designation process, Caltrans is committed 
to actively engaging with the ACA, local communities, and bicycling advocates to establish USBRS routes in the 
State of California.

Caltrans USBRS documents:

USBRS Director’s Decision Memo (PDF)
Caltrans USBRS Route Designation Policy (PDF)
Caltrans USBRS Workplan (coming soon)

Other USBRS documents:

Endorsement letters
USBRS District 11 Presentation (PDF)
USBRS Best Practices Final Report, August, 2016 (PDF)
USBRS Survey and Case Studies, July, 2013 (PDF)
ACA Volunteer Training Document (PDF)
2015 Pacific Coast Bike Route Survey (PDF)
Adventure Cycling Association FAQs for Planners



Adventure Cycling Association, USBRS
AASHTO guidance on USBRS


For more information, please contact:

Stephanie Alward

(916) 591-4909

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