Bicycle and Pedestrian Contacts

 District  Name


 Branch/Office  Phone Number
 HQ Stephanie Alward Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator   Office of State Programs (916) 591-4909


Lisa Buglewicz   Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator  System Planning (707) 684-6883


Christina Prosperi  Complete Streets Branch Lead  Office of Complete Streets (530) 691-3201
 3  Elizabeth Wood  Complete Streets Program Advisor  Division of Planning, Local Assistance, and Sustainability (530) 789-0192 
 4  Greg Currey  Pedestrian and Bicycle Coordinator  Office of Transit and Active Transportation (510) 821-0517
 5  Sophia Linnevers  Active Transportation and Equity Planner  Complete Streets, Climate Change & Equity Branch (805) 478-5981
 6  Edgar Hernandez  Active Transportation Specialist  Transportation Planning and Local Programs (559) 981-7436
 7  Serena Liu  Complete Streets Coordinator  Office of Complete Streets (213) 760-6971
 7  Ryan Johnson  Active Transportation Coordinator  Office of Complete Streets (213) 574-0702
 8 Cuong Phu Trinh  Active Transportation Portfolio Manager  Office of Modal Planning Programs (909) 925-7514
 8 Alexa Pok  Complete Streets Coordinator  Office of Modal Planning Programs (909) 963-9540
 9 Mark Heckman Branch Chief  Transportation Planning (760) 872-1398
 10 Charles Carroll 
 Active Transportation Portfolio Manager  Planning, Local Assistance, & Environmental (209) 986-9831
 10  Eric Chin  Complete Streets Program Advisor Project Initiation, Travel Forecasting, & Complete Streets  (209) 986-9566 
 11  Brandon Tobias  Senior Transportation Planner Complete Streets Program  (619) 985-2988
 12 Alyssa Murakami  Senior Transportation Planner  Active Transportation and Equity & Engagement (949) 517-8337

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