Traffic Congestion Relief Program Project Close-out Guidance

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  1. The Traffic Congestion Relief Program (TCR Program) is responsible for reporting TCR Program project status and expenditures to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) and the Legislature per Government Code 14556.36.
  2. The Close-out process for Traffic Congestion Relief projects will follow the process required by the Program/Division depending upon the type of project (i.e., Project Delivery, Local Assistance, Transportation Planning, Mass Transportation and Rail).
  3. In addition, the TCR Program Close-out procedure will be followed to meet the requirements of Government Code 14556.36.
    1. When the TCR Program funded project phase(s) is completed even when the project is still continuing with other funds.
      1. An approved and signed Program’s Project/Phase Close-out Report or the attached “Cover Letter TCR Program Project/Phase Close-out” may be used as the signed letter of project completion. Cover Letter TCR Program Project/Phase Close-out (PDF)
      2. The “Project Expenditures by Phase” document is required to be completed and sent to the TCR Program within 60 days of submittal of final invoice of the completed phase(s). Project Expenditures by Phase and Instructions (PDF) and Form (XLSX)
    2. When a TCR Program project is completed a signed letter of project completion and a final reconciliation of expenditures by TCR Program phase of work is required. A signed and approved copy of a Program’s Project Close-out Report must also be included. Project Expenditures by Phase Instructions (PDF) and Form (XLSX)
      1. An approved and signed Program’s Project/Phase Close-out Report or the attached “Cover Letter TCR Program Project/Phase Close-out” may be used as the signed letter of project completion. Cover Letter TCR Program Project/Phase Close-out (PDF)
      2. The “Project Expenditures by Phase” document is required to be completed and sent in with the Close-out Report. Project Expenditures by Phase Instructions (PDF) and Form (XLSX)
  4. The Lead Agency’s Representative will be responsible for preparing this information and the Department’s District Project Coordinator is to send it to the TCR Program within 60 days of the required Program’s Project Close-out Report deadline.
  5. Although, the Traffic Congestion Relief funded portion of the Project may be completed, Lead Agencies will still be required to report on the status of the project to the TCR Program as required by Government Code Chapter 4.5, Article 4, Section 14556.36, , and subsequent legislation related to the TCR Program. CTC Traffic Congestion Relief Program