Sustainable Facilities & Operations Branch
About Us
The Sustainable Facilities & Operations Branch works across the Department at the District level to track, report, and implement the State's sustainability goals to further the Department's commitment to leading climate action, as outlined in the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan.
Continually Improve Enterprise Practices
The Sustainability Roadmap 2022-2023 is a two-year progress report on several important milestones achieved by Caltrans while implementing Executive Orders (EOs) B-16-12, B-18-12 and the adaptation planning progress of EOs B-30-15, N-19-19, and N-82-20.
- Climate change adaptation
- Zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs)
- Energy
- Water efficiency and conservation
- Green operations
The 2022-23 Roadmap also makes commitments for further progress in each area. The Sustainability Program is partnering with groups across the Department to implement these commitments.
Progress Towards Sustainability Roadmap Goals
Caltrans has made significant progress in reducing our footprint in the following areas:
- Reducing Caltrans operational greenhouse gas emissions by 43 percent in 2022 (compared to 2010 levels) and exceeding the state's 20 percent target;
- Annual onsite power generation of more than 5 million kilowatt hours of renewable solar energy;
- Decreasing water usage by 30 percent in 2022 compared to a 2010 baseline;
- Installation of more than 1,200 electric vehicle charging ports at facilities statewide;
- Installation of Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) along the State Highway System and in all Caltrans Maintenance Facilities, Headquarters, District Offices, and along the State Highway System.