Coastal Program Resources
Resources related to environmental planning, case studies, and example plans and programs for projects and resources in the coastal zone can be found at the following links:
Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER) Volume 5 - Coastal Requirements
The SER is an on-line resource to help state and local agency staff plan, prepare, submit, and evaluate environmental documents for transportation projects. The SER contains information appropriate to all transportation projects developed under the auspices of Caltrans, and to all local agency highway or local streets and roads projects with funding or approvals by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). SER Volume 5 provides detailed information on the coastal permitting process.
Caltrans Annotated Outline
The Environmental Document Annotated Outline (AO) is a guide for preparing environmental documents addressing both the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The AOs provide a consistent document format for the presentation of required content and give guidance on information to include for projects in the coastal zone.
Bridge Rails and Barriers - A Reference Guide for Transportation Projects in the Coastal Zone
The Bridge and Rails Barriers Reference Guide (PDF) was developed in collaboration by Caltrans and the Coastal Commission as a tool in designing rails and barriers in the coastal zone for successful coastal development permitting.
North Coast Corridor Public Works Plan
The North Coastal Corridor Public Works Plan/Transportation and Resource Enhancement Program includes highway, rail, transit, bike/pedestrian, environmental, and coastal access improvements along the 27-mile North Coast Corridor in San Diego County. The Program is an example of a comprehensive transportation and environmental program that includes coordination and approval with the Coastal Commission for project permitting.
Big Sur Coast Highway Management Plan
The Big Sur Coast Highway Management Plan is a collaborative document that outlines a Corridor Management Plan (CMP) for the Big Sur Highway and a series of Management Guidelines that address corridor aesthetics, landside management and storm damage response, and vegetation management. The Plan is a framework for ongoing collaboration for the corridor, and is useful for reviewing resource considerations in the coastal zone.
California Coastal Commission
The California Coastal Commission’s website contains important information for planners working on transportation projects in the coastal zone, such as links to the Coastal Act, LCPs, guidance on federal consistency, climate chance and sea level rise, and links to staff reports for Caltrans coastal development permits.
Caltrans & Coastal Commission Plan for Improved Agency Partnering
The Caltrans & Coastal Commission Plan for Improved Agency Partnering contains recommendations to increase and improve coordination and communication between two sister agencies, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the California Coastal Commission (Commission).