Job Mix Formula Prequalification Program (JMF-PP)

The Job Mix Formula Prequalification Program (JMF-PP) has been developed to provide paving contractors prequalified JMFs that have been verified by Caltrans using the Standard Specifications before the award of construction contracts. The JMF-PP provides prequalified JMFs for the follow mix types:

  • Type A hot mix asphalt (Type A HMA)
  • Rubberized hot mix asphalt gap graded (RHMA-G)
  • Bonded wearing course Gap Graded (BWC-G)
  • Open graded friction course (OGFC)

The JMF-PP accepts new JMF submittals.  It is intended to reduce costs, delays, and additional liquidated damage payments associated with JMF verification services performed during the construction phase and allows Caltrans to achieve the goal of developing additional project delivery efficiencies as specified in SB 1.

This program is managed by Division of Engineering Services (DES), Materials Engineering and Testing Services (METS).

Program Requirements

Requests for JMF verifications are addressed in the order in which a complete submittal has been received. The general process is identified below:

  1. HMA supplier must enter HMA design test data in JMF Tool at HMA design test data must be within 6 months. HMA supplier shall submit the JMF in JMF Tool using the following project information:

    Attachments such as Safety Data Sheets and Certificates of Compliance must be attached to your submittal through JMF Tool.

  2. After entry into JMF Tool, HMA supplier must email the following documentation and information to
    • Completed TL-3900 form
    • JMF ID (as displayed in JMF Tool)
    • HMA Mix ID (as displayed in JMF Tool)
  3. The HMA supplier will receive results of the submittal package review within 5 business days of the original request.
  4. If additional information is needed, the supplier has 5 days to submit complete documentation. If the information is not received within 5 days, the submittal is rejected.
  5. Once the submittal is approved, the assigned lab will coordinate collection of material samples. The JMF-PP requests a minimum of 5 business days from the date of requesting a hot drop event to occur to assure appropriate staffing for sample collection. Samples must be taken in accordance with the current version of California Test 125 and in the presence of a Caltrans representative. The HMA plant producing these samples must have a current certification under the Department's Material Plant Quality Program.
  6. Caltrans provides JMF verification test results within 20 days of QC test results.
    • If the JMF fails to pass verification, the supplier may adjust the JMF and resubmit the adjusted JMF through JMF Tool.
    • If the JMF fails verification a second time, the supplier must submit a new mix design.
    • If the JMF is verified, the supplier will receive an e-mail notification along with a completed CEM-3513.
    • You may use this JMF on Caltrans projects that specify the same mix design requirements.
    • JMF requirements are contract specific, final authorization to use a JMF is up to the Resident Engineer administering the contract.

Hamburg wheel track (CT 389) and Moisture susceptibility (AASHTO T 283) test results must be based on plant produced material sampled for the JMF and tested within the last 6 months. Caltrans will begin verification testing after both the hot drop and all required test results are submitted at which point the 20-day turnaround will begin.

If multiple JMFs are submitted simultaneously or an additional one is submitted before the review of a previously submitted JMF is complete, the supplier must designate the sequence that these JMFs are to be reviewed. Please allow an additional 20 days for the verification of each additional JMF. 

On a plant basis, a supplier will be suspended from participating in the JMF-PP for a minimum of 3 months if the supplier has two consecutive JMF failures.

We are always looking for ways to improve the JMF Prequalification Program and our processes. Please e-mail your questions, concerns, or comments to

JMF-PP Documents and Links