Progressive Design-Build (PD-B)

The Progressive Design-Build (PD-B) Program is an innovative delivery method that is a 2-phase variation of Design-Build. PD-B involves the design-build team during the earliest stages of project development to provide a design up to 100% design then agree to a price for final design and construction.

You will find various documents developed by Caltrans to implement PD-B on this webpage. These documents are subject to modification.

Caltrans PD-B Procedures (PDF)  *Coming Soon*

Selected Projects



Cost (Millions)

RFQ Target Date


District 12 I-5 Managed Lanes


August 2025

Note: Information Sharing Meeting was held on 12/4/24.  Please check DPAC’s website for additional information:

For copies of PD-B Nomination Fact Sheets, please send request to

Advertised Projects

Notice of Final Rankings

Awarded Projects

  • 114306CM San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge

Authorizing Legislation

Contractor's Corner


  • Preconstruction Services Contract (PDF) *Coming Soon*

Please forward any questions, comments and/or suggestions to