Caltrans Authorized Safety Training Courses

To be a Caltrans authorized certified flagger training provider, the flagger training must:

  • Cover flagging requirements in:
    • California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), Part 6, "Temporary Traffic Control."
    • Section 7-1.03 "Public Convenience" and Section 7-1.04 "Public Safety", of the Standard Specifications.
    • Section 12 "Temporary Traffic Control" of the Revised Standard Specifications.
    • Traffic control system standard plan sheets that show flagging.
    • Caltrans Flagging Instruction Handbook (PDF).
  • Demonstrate proper flagging:
    • Equipment.
    • Signals.
    • Procedures.
    • Standard skills of a good flagger.
  • Cover standard flagger practices for various situations.
  • Discuss flagger station requirements and required temporary traffic control devices.
  • Discuss automated flagger assistance devices.
  • Be a minimum of 4 hours of in-person training (online not accepted).
  • Require that students demonstrate proper flagging procedures to become certified.
  • Include a written multiple-choice test and to successfully become certified, students must answer questions correctly with a passing score of 80% or better.

To become an authorized training provider, you must submit the following to for approval:

  • The name of trainer and credentials
  • The training material, including the agenda and the exam
  • Copy of Certificate sample with effective and expiration date

Your certification/authorization will be valid for 3 years from the date you're approved and must re-submit for re-certification at least two weeks prior to the expiration for review and approval.

Caltrans will inform you in writing you within 15 working days of receiving your submittal if your training has met the requirements. Your company, if approved will be posted on this site.

Caltrans reserves the right to keep a copy of these training materials for comparison to actual training provided. To evaluate the training effectiveness, a representative of the Department will attend a training class after you are authorized to provide training.

Authorized List for Certified Flaggers Training

Name Contact Date Issued Valid Thru Status Instructors
15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100
Fredericksburg, VA 22706
Jessica Scheyder 13-Jul-2020 14-Jul-2026 OK ATSSA Flagger Instructor Listing (DOCX)             
Basin Enterprises
Corporate Office
P.O. Box 982
Red Bluff, CA 96080 
Anne Durbin 26-Feb-2024 26-Feb-2027 OK Micheal A. Cendejas
Central Coast Division
1625 E Donovan Rd. 
Santa Maria, CA 93454
Justin Lorentz 08-Nov-2021 08-Nov-2024 OK  Justin Lorentz
Craig Safety Group LLC
3212 Liberty Square Parkway
Turlock, CA 95380 
Charles Craig  15-Sep-2022  15-Sep-2025  OK  Charles Craig 
Flasher Barricade Association
P.O. Box 41543
Sacramento, CA 95841 
Toni Zachary 29-July-2022 29-July-2025 OK

David Mori
Rusty Lewis
Michael Lopez
Gong Wang

John S. Jackson
Laborers Training School
1385 W. Sierra Madre
Azusa, CA 91702
Michael Tuttle 26-Jun-2020 26-Jun-2026 OK

Alfredo Paredes
Abraham Guerrero
Bill Pilios
Daniel Herrera
Eric Dominguez
Jaimie Jimenez
Joel Ramirez
Joe Armendariz
Joe Tapia
Katherine Kruz
Matt Kupsak
Pablo Garcia
Paul Gonzalez
Richard Iniguez
Sergio Gomez
Tim Carrillo
Jose Rojas

Marsden Master Safety Training
8730 Rideabout Lane
San Diego, CA 92129
John Marsden
28-May-2021 28-May-2027 OK John Marsden
National Safety Council (NSC)
1121 Spring Lake Dr. 
Itasca, IL 60143-3201 
Tina Miller  17-Mar-2023 17-Mar 2026 OK
Occupational Safety Training Systems, Inc. (OSTS)
14650 Central Ave
Chino, CA 91710
Mike Geosano
Wende Wylie
Pacific Safety Center
9880 Via Pasar, Suite F
San Diego, CA 92126
Darby Vorce 2-Dec-2024
Wende Wylie
Phoenix Traffic Management, Inc.
386 S. Allen Street
San Bernardino, CA 92408 
Gabe Cabes 25-Apr-2024 25-Apr-2027 OK Gabe Cabes
Southern California Pavement Striper,
Road Slurry, Seal Coat & Highway Maintenance
Apprenticeship J.A.C Inc.
1074 E. La Cadena Dr. #9
Riverside, CA 92507
John Selover
01-Jul-2021 01-Jul-2024 OK John Selover
Richard Villegas
Gene Good
Traffic Management, Inc.
4900 Airport Plaza Dr. 300
Long Beach, CA 90815 
Thomas Manriquez 08-Jan-2021  08-Jan-2027 OK Alfonso Salas
Corey Watson
Manny Sarabia
Trindel Insurance Fund
P.O. Box 2069
Weaverville, CA 96093 
Tony Miller  14-Oct-2022  14-Oct-2025  OK  Tony Miller 
Western Safety Institute, Inc.
P.O. Box 1147
Elverta, CA 95626-1147
Rudy Schroeder 01-Mar-2022 01-Mar-2025 OK  Rudy Schroeder

To be a Department authorized Traffic Control Technician (TCT) training provider, the training must include the following subjects:

  • Concepts, techniques and practices of installing, maintaining, and removing of temporary traffic control devices.
  • California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), Part 6, “Temporary Traffic Control”.
  • Section 7-1.03 “Public Convenience”, and Section 7-1.04 “Public Safety”, and Section 12 “Temporary Traffic Control” of the Standard Specifications.
  • Traffic Control System Standard Plans (T Plans) applicable to highway work zones in California.
  • Pedestrian accessibility and Bicycle considerations.
  • Quality Guideline for Temporary Traffic Control Devices and Features.
  • Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Caltrans Flagging Instruction Handbook (PDF).
  • Be a minimum of 8 hours in-person training (online not accepted).
  • Include a written multiple-choice test and to successfully become certified. students must answer questions correctly with a passing score of 80% or better.

To become an authorized training provider, you must submit the following to for approval:

  • The name of trainer and credentials
  • The training material course subject outline, including the agenda and the exam
  • Copy of Certificate sample with effective and expiration date

Your certification/authorization will be valid for 3 years from the date you’re approved and must re-submit for re-certification at least two weeks prior to the expiration for review and approval.

Caltrans will inform you in writing you within 15 working days of receiving your submittal if your training has met the requirements. Your company, if approved will be posted on this site.

Caltrans reserves the right to keep a copy of submitted training materials for comparison to actual training provided. To evaluate the training effectiveness, a representative of the Department will attend a training class after you are authorized to provide training.

Authorized List for Certified Traffic Control Technician Training

Name Contact Date Issued Valid Thru Status Instructors
15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100
Fredericksburg, VA 22706

Jessica Scheyder   02-Apr-2021 01-Apr-2027 OK  Shawn Alexander
Robert Beadles
William Birdwell
Rich Bunker
Jim Conroy
Michael Gannon
Mary Harper
Brad Henry
Debra Luann Leiding
Richard Mobarak
Esteban Moreno
Craig Rhodes
David Roeder
Kenneth Rudd
Basin Enterprises

Corporate Office
P.O. Box 982
Red Bluff, CA 96080

Anne Durbin  26-Feb-2024 26-Feb-2027 OK Michael A. Cendejas

Flasher Barricade Association
P.O. Box 41543
Sacramento, CA 95841

Toni Zachary 04-Aug-2022 04-Aug-2025 OK

David Mori
Rusty Lewis
Michael Lopez
Gong Wang
John S. Jackson

Laborers Training & Retraining
Trust Fund for Northern California
1001 Westside Drive
San Ramon, CA 94583-4099
Scott Mahar
06-Jul-2021 06-Jul-2027 OK

Roy Borgeson
John Cannon
Ricardo Castellanos
Jeff Feigen
Juan Guitierrez
Marcos Guitierrez
Josh Harkness
Avery Jackson
Greg Kukendall
Jose Lopez
Scott Mahar
Lauro Perez
Alvaro Reynoso
Dave Roeder
Eduardo Vaca
Robert Vasquez
Greg Venegas

Laborers Training School
1385 W. Sierra Madre
Azusa, CA 91702
Tim Carrillo 19-Jan-2021 06-Mar-2027 OK

Alfredo Paredes
Abraham Guerrero
Bill Pilios
Daniel Herrera
Eric Dominguez
Jaimie Jimenez
Joel Ramirez
Joe Armendariz
Joe Tapia
Katherine Kruz
Matt Kupsak
Pablo Garcia
Paul Gonzalez
Richard Iniguez
Sergio Gomez
Tim Carrillo
Jose Rojas

National Safety Council (NSC)
1121 Spring Lake Dr. 
Itasca, IL 60143-3201 
Tina Miller 17-Mar-2023 17-Mar-2026 OK
Northern Nevada Laborers' Apprenticeship and Training Program
50 Wild Horse Canyon Dr.
Sparks, NV 89434
Al DeVita
Mike Kinney
22-Jan-2025 22-Jan-2028 OK

Eric Rove

Occupational Safety Training Systems, Inc. (OSTS)
14650 Central Ave
Chino, CA 91710
Mike Geosano 01-Mar-2025 01-Mar-2028 OK Wende Wylie

Pacific Safety Center (PSC)
9880 Via Pasar, Suite F
San Diego, CA 92126

Darby Vorce, Executive Director 28-July-2022 28-July-2025 OK Wende Wylie
Southern California Pavement Striper, Road Slurry, Seal Coat & Highway Maintenance Apprenticeship J.A.C Inc.
1074 E. La Cadena Dr. #9
Riverside CA, 92507 
John Selover
02-Aug-2021 02-Aug-2024
John Selover
Richard Villegas
Gene Good

Traffic Management, Inc.
4900 Airport Plaza Dr. 300
Long Beach, CA 90815

Thomas Manriquez 10-Apr-2024 10-Apr-2027 OK Alfonso Salas
Corey Watson
Manny Sarabia
Nick Marmarou

To be a Department authorized Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) training provider, the training must include the following subjects:

  • State-specific training using Caltrans Standard Plans for temporary traffic control – T plans
  • The implementation of traffic control plans and techniques for installation and removal of traffic control devices.
  • Reading and interpreting plans, specifications and how implemented in the field.
  • Workshops for designing temporary traffic control setups using real world examples by recognizing, analyzing and correcting deficiencies.
  • Teaching students the necessary skills to become TCS
  • Section 7-1.03 Public Convenience and Section 7-1.04 Public Safety,” and Section 12 “Temporary Traffic Control” of the Standard Specifications.
  • Quality Guideline for Temporary Traffic Control Devices and Features.
  • Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Be a minimum of 16 hours in-person training (online not accepted).
  • Include a written multiple-choice test and to successfully become certified. students must answer questions correctly with a passing score of 80% or better.

To become an authorized training provider, you must submit the following to for approval:

  • The name of trainer and credentials
  • The training material course subject, including the agenda and the exam
  • Copy of Certificate sample with effective and expiration date

Your certification/authorization will be valid for 3 years from the date you’re approved and must re-submit for re-certification at least two weeks prior to the expiration for review and approval.

Caltrans will inform you in writing you within 15 working days of receiving your submittal if your training has met the requirements. Your company, if approved will be posted on this site.

Caltrans reserves the right to keep a copy of these training materials for comparison to actual training provided. To evaluate the training effectiveness, a representative of the Department will attend a training class after you are authorized to provide training.

Authorized List for Certified Traffic Control Supervisor Training


Name Contact Date Issued  Valid Thru  Status  Instructors 
15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100
Fredericksburg, VA 22706
Jessica Scheyder  20-Oct-2024 20-Oct-2027 OK

Shawn Alexander
Robert Beadles
William Birdwell
Rich Bunker
Jim Conroy
Michael Gannon
Mary Harper
Brad Henry
Debra Luann Leiding
Richard Mobarak
Esteban Moreno
Craig Rhodes
David Roeder
Kenneth Rudd

Basin Enterprises
Corporate Office
P.O. Box 982
Red Bluff, CA 96080  
Anne Durbin 26-Feb-2024 26-Feb-2027  OK Micheal A. Cendejas
Laborers Training & Retraining
Trust Fund for Northern California
1001 Westside Drive
San Ramon, CA 94583-4099
 Scott Mahar 13-Feb-2025 13-Feb-2028 OK Roy Borgeson
John Cannon
Ricardo Castellanos
Juan Gutierrez
Marcos Guitierrez
Josh Harkness
Johnny Harper
Gerald Hurd
Avery Jackson
Greg Kuykendall
Jose Lopez
Scott Mahar
Lauro Perez
Alvaro Reynoso
Dave Roeder
Eduardo Vaca
Robert Vasquez
Greg Venegas
Laborers Training School
1385 W. Sierra Madre
Azusa, CA 91702

 Michael Tuttle
Tim Carrillo

03-Mar-2025 03-Mar-2028 OK  Joel Ramirez
Pablo Garcia 
Joe Tapia
Jose Rojas
Richard Iniguez
Northern Nevada Laborers' Apprenticeship and Training Program
50 Wild Horse Canyon Dr.
Sparks, NV 89434 
Mike Kinney
Al DeVita
18-Feb-2025  18-Feb-2028  OK 

Eric Rove