Hats Off

Jamal Karim
Jamal Karim of Headquarters Information Technology recently, on his own time, helped a citizen solve a tech issue.

Note: The following email was written by Jigme Chhimi of Headquarters Information Technology and was shared with CT News on Jan. 31.

I am sharing an inspiring story of dedication and quick action from our team member, Jamal Karim, that significantly enhanced a customer's experience with Caltrans.

Recently, while attending my daughter's indoor soccer game late evening on the weekend,  I casually talked with a fellow parent planning a trip to Kirkland for skiing. He relied on the Caltrans Road Information page for travel updates but needed help with bookmarking the page on his iPhone. Recognizing this as a potential hindrance for many of our users, especially in the current snowy conditions, I contacted Jamal Karim from our Mobile Web Apps team.

To our delight, Jamal identified and resolved the issue in an astonishingly short time – before the soccer game concluded. This swift response solved the immediate problem and significantly improved the overall user experience of our Caltrans Road Information page.

I want to take this opportunity to share the customer's message of gratitude:

“Big shout out for the upgrade to the Caltrans Road Information page. Being able to bookmark and get "one-touch" access to where or if chain controls are in place on the one specific road is a big time-saver for locals and regular snow country travelers. Not just that, but how quickly this upgrade was completed was extremely impressive. I'll try to get the word out for you (you should too)! Thanks again! – Nate Whaley”

This feedback underscores the value of our commitment to service excellence and the positive impact of our team's efforts on the community. Jamal's dedication, particularly his willingness to go above and beyond during a weekend, is commendable and sets a high standard for our team.

Thank you to Jamal for his outstanding work and to everyone for continuously striving to improve our services.