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Traveler to Trinidad touts rest-area attendant

Jeff Calaway

In District 1, Jeff Callaway has served as the attendant of the Trinidad Rest Area for 16 years.

District 1photo

By Meriah Miracle
District 1 public information officer

“Hi, my name is Sheri Schmiedl. We recently made a trip to Trinidad and [stopped] at the rest place on the east side of the street. And there is a person by the name of Jeff that takes care of it. And I’m telling you, you couldn’t get any better.

“That place is spotless. He’s cleaning it all the time. He greets the people. I just couldn’t believe it. It made our trip so neat. And we stayed there more than one night, going to the state beaches and going back to that rest area because it was so nice.

“Beautiful trees, beautiful trails. Thank you very much.”

Ninety-year-old Registered Nurse Sheri Schmiedl reached out to the District 1 Public Information Office after her trip in June just to share her appreciation for Jeff Callaway, who has served as the attendant of the Trinidad Rest Area for 16 years.

Callaway maintains the restroom facilities, clears the redwood viewing trails of debris and branches, and removes trash from the grounds. He also tests water quality to ensure it’s safe to use and reports that data to Caltrans staff monthly. Perhaps most importantly, he connects with travelers who need a place to rest and stretch their legs before they head back out onto windy and often unfamiliar roads.

Callaway’s employment represents a 30-year partnership between Caltrans and the Humboldt Community Access and Resource Center (HCAR) to provide rest area maintenance at the two locations north of Trinidad on U.S. Highway 101.

HCAR is a private non-profit agency that supports more than 300 individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities with employment, independent living and day programs among other services.

Executive Director Kim Nash said the partnership with Caltrans creates opportunities for people who may be discriminated against or not considered for community employment.

“What makes Caltrans unique is their commitment to working with people with disabilities because they understand these folks can provide quality, reliable work,” Nash said. She highlighted that HCAR’s clients are paid prevailing wages with health care benefits.

Maintenance Facility Coordinator Mike Thiel has been working with Jeff and HCAR for nearly 16 years. “It’s always been a pleasure working, visiting, repairing equipment breakdowns, and solving issues with these guys” Thiel said. “When visiting the rest area, I usually leave with a smile.”

Callaway said he loves his job, and his favorite part is meeting people from all over the world. He’s even become friends with travelers from as far away as Argentina, collecting phone numbers initially and now adding them to his ever-growing list of Facebook friends.

Schmiedl emphasized that she travels a lot, and Callaway helped make her trip so wonderful she can’t wait to come back and visit Trinidad again soon. Callaway said he felt “happy and really good” to have someone compliment his hard work.

Nash added, “Knowing that someone took the time to recognize the quality of services provided by Jeff and HCAR on behalf of Caltrans is noteworthy. We understand that most people likely call to complain about roads, but this person saw excellence.”

District 5 engineer wows Central Coast lawmaker

The following email was sent by Monterey County Supervisor Mary L. Adams (Fifth District) to Peter Hendrix, division chief for traffic in Caltrans District 5, on Sept. 8.

“I write to let you know what a magnificent job your staff person [District 5 Senior Transportation Engineer] Kathy Kleinschmidt did on helping us address a very difficult problem we have in Monterey County. As the Fifth District Supervisor for Monterey County, I oversee the area embracing Highway 1 from the City of Monterey all the way down the coast to the San Luis Obispo line. In fact, my district has more coastline than any other supervisorial district in the state.

“We are so grateful to you for sending Kathy to the CTCDC meeting in Rancho Cucamonga to present on our issue. Clearly, she must have spent a lot of time preparing, editing and then presenting what was a magnificent presentation outlining the significant problems and safety hazards of people illegally camping along Highway 1 through my district.

“Her professionalism and comprehensive approach while presenting on the No Camping Signs to the CTCDC was outstanding. In fact, while most of the other items were only discussed for ten minutes or so each, our item was discussed for nearly sixty minutes. Her strong ability engaged the commissioners which led to questions being asked and great responses received. The fact that the CTCDC approved the sign unanimously is a solid tribute to her preparedness and excellence.

“Throughout my tenure on the Monterey County Board of Supervisors, I have interacted with many exceptional CalTrans staff and Kathy most certainly is among them. I enjoy the positive relationship we have with CalTrans and would be happy to assist you in any matter here in Monterey County should the circumstance arise.”