Director's Corner

Diversity, equity help fuel today’s Caltrans

Tony Tavares

Tony Tavares

Fifty years ago, on July 3, 1973, the Division of Highways was formally reimagined and renamed as the California Department of Transportation – or, as we informally call ourselves, Caltrans.

We celebrate this landmark anniversary with equal parts pride, for all we have accomplished, and determination, to steadfastly continue improving our state’s transportation system.

One of the many improvements Caltrans has made in the past half-century is we have greatly diversified our workforce. No longer can it be viewed as a sea of monochromatic males. Here in 2023, the Caltrans workforce can instead be seen as a vibrant landscape of colors, ages, genders and beliefs.

Diversity abounds in our department, and equity is something we pursue within the organization, with our subcontractors and other partners, and for everyone who depends on our transportation network. Our Equal Employment Opportunity Program (EEOP) summarizes our inclusive philosophy in its homepage message:

1972 signing of AB 69, which created Caltrans

Gov. Ronald Reagan signs AB 69, which created Caltrans, at a ceremony attended by transportation officials in 1972.

Archival photo

“At Caltrans we value our workforce and aspire to reflect this state’s most valuable asset; the diversity of its communities. A diverse and highly qualified workforce is essential to our mission to provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and livability.”

We pay tribute to diversity throughout the year. June, for example, is LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Caltrans supports equal rights for all people and stands with the LGBTQ+ community as it seeks greater acceptance and inclusion. We celebrate individuals like U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, who is the first openly gay member of a president's Cabinet and the first openly gay person to launch a major political party presidential campaign.

The EEOP will be providing a resource page with LGBTQ+ stories, movies, podcasts, and other useful resources.

In February, we celebrated African American history, culture and the accomplishments of African Americans who have worked together to serve and strengthen their communities, and to bring social justice and equity for all.

In March, as part of Women’s History Month, the EEOP invited Chantal Hildebrand, the deputy director of The Alliance for Girls, to speak how to create safer public transit spaces for girls and gender-expansive youth. The accompanying discussion addressed what role public transportation has in creating these safe spaces.

In April, Caltrans observed Arab American Heritage Month. In May, we marked Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Both months included related special events and activities.

Learn more about diversity we celebrate at Caltrans by visiting the EEOP’s History and Heritage Resource Page Archive.

As always, stay safe. And please enjoy this latest edition of CT News.